Industries and IT Minister K.T. Rama Rao has urged External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar to ensure safety of Indian students in Ukraine in these times of distress.
In a tweet, the Minister said he had been receiving several messages from anxious parents of students. “Hope Government of India can work through diplomatic channels and reassure all Indians at the earliest,” Mr. Rama Rao said in the tweet.
TRS MP G. Ranjith Reddy expressed concern that the Russia-Ukranian war which has been escalating in intensity had rendered hundreds of Telangana students in Ukraine unable to travel back to India. “It has been learnt that our students are facing several challenges and difficulties due to unfavourable situation caused by the conflict in Ukraine,” he said in a letter addressed to the External Affairs Minister.
The TRP MP has appealed to the Union Government to make necessary arrangements to safely bring the Telangana students who were currently stuck in Ukraine back to the country on priority. The opposition Congress too made a fervent appeal to the Union Government to take necessary steps in view of the sensitive situation prevailing in Ukraine.
CLP leader M. Bhatti Vikramarka and MLA D. Sridhar Babu appealed to the Union Minister to take steps to bring back people of Telangana, especially students, safely to the country in view of the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia.