Amid criticism related to the faulty construction of the Kerala State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) bus terminal at Kozhikode, a KSRTC-Swift bus got stuck between two pillars at a congested slot of the facility on Friday. It took about four hours to get the vehicle released. The bus was reportedly carelessly parked by the driver after a late-night trip from Bengaluru to Kozhikode on Thursday.
Sources said the vehicle was parked at the spot by a driver who was reportedly unaware of the faulty construction and limited space and there were no guards at the spot when the bus was parked.
As the bus remained trapped for hours, KSRTC officials arranged another vehicle for the Bengaluru trip from the city. An internal inquiry has been ordered.
The leaders of various youth organisations who recently staged protests against the faulty construction of the terminal said the latest incident endorsed their claims. They alleged that the KSRTC management was ignoring the study report that exposed the construction faults and called for rectification measures.