The Corporate and Investment Banking Group of Bank of Ayudhya, using the marketing name Krungsri, aims to achieve loan growth of 2% this year, according to its 2022 business direction.
Prakob Phiencharoen, Krungsri's head of Corporate and Investment Banking Group, said it wants to continue the growth of its environmental, social and governance (ESG) finance projects by offering products that promote sustainable business.
The bank's corporate and investment banking group last year registered more than 413 billion baht in total outstanding loans.
Mr Prakob said Krungsri has continued to participate in the launch of sustainability-linked financial products. The group wants to increase its social and sustainable finance portfolio to 50-100 billion baht by 2030.
The group will also continue to share knowledge on ESG financing in the global financial markets to promote this market in Thailand, he said.
Moreover, the group will focus on offering comprehensive products and services, including business solutions under the concept of "Total Financing & Hedging Solutions", said Mr Prakob.
The Krungsri group aims to provide customers with ongoing assistance to drive their business resurgence from the pandemic impact and help them expand for sustainable growth in the long term.
The group will continue to accelerate the adoption of advanced technologies to enhance financial services in order to stay ahead of rapidly changing customer behaviour, he said.
Krungsri is the fifth largest financial group in Thailand in terms of assets, loans and deposits.
It is a strategic member of the Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG), Japan's largest financial group.