What do locals call Piedmontese cattle?
My gut says fassona.
I’ll eat my hat if it’s not vacca.
They say bovino.
The picturesque Fort Fenestrelle, near the French border, is home to one of the world’s longest covered staircases, which has how many steps?
Which of the following is a soft cheese made from raw goat’s milk?
Robiola di Roccaverano.
Piedmont’s premier beer, Menabrea, has been brewed by the same family for five generations. In what year was it founded?
What type of meat is used to produce the tasty salsiccia di bra?
Chick, chick chicken.
A good old slab of beef.
The popular choice, pork.
What’s the maximum you can expect to pay for 100g of local Alba white truffle?
No more than €100.
It’s got to be €60,000.
I’d happily pay €650.
Can you name this slightly crumbly, often intensely flavoured cheese?
Come on, it’s obviously pecorino romano.
I’m betting on taleggio.
Castelmagno, perhaps?
Which nut is Piedmont famed for producing at very high quality?
Which Piedmontese brewer, in collaboration with a local cheesemaker, has pioneered Italy’s first beer-washed cheese?
Birra Boccaccio.
Which type of alcohol is a key ingredient for the mouthwatering dessert bonet?
A glug of whisky.
A drop of rum.
A shot of amaretto.
1:A - Known for producing exceptionally lean and tender meat, the Piedmontese (or fassona) breed is highly prized and its beef is perfect for delicacies such as steak tartare., 2:A - Constructed between 1728 and 1850, Fort Fenestrelle is the largest alpine fortification in Europe, and was famously used as a prison during the Napoleonic era., 3:B - Deriving its name from capra, the Italian word for goat, caprino is – perhaps surprisingly – not always made from 100% goat’s milk. Either way, it’s still delicious., 4:C - That’s right – the Menabrea family have been brewing in the gorgeous Piedmontese mountain town of Biella since 1846. Long may it continue!, 5:B - With Piedmontese cattle being held in such high regard, it should perhaps come as no surprise that the province's signature sausage is made from beef. But here’s a twist: the meat is of such quality that, like tartare, locals often eat it raw., 6:C - Truffles. They’re already expensive, so it only stands to reason that the Alba white truffle, the rarest and most sought after of them all, is … let’s just say it’s prohibitively priced., 7:C - Castelmagno is semi-hard, semi-blue Piedmontese cheese that displays remarkable versatility of flavour depending on how long it has been aged, ranging from delicate and milky to salty and piquant when mature. Above all, it’s delicious at any time., 8:B - Piedmont’s hazelnuts are renowned for their delicacy and turn up as a key ingredient in all kinds of local dishes (not just the desserts)., 9:C - Made in partnership with Botalla, a premium cheesemaker from Menabrea’s hometown of Biella, Sbirro is the first ever Italian cheese to have been produced and aged with beer., 10:B - Like so many good desserts, this decadent, chocolatey showstopper is really brought to life by adding a good drop of rum to the mix.
10 and above.
What can we say? Did you take Piedmontese culinary and cultural history as a degree subject or something? A seriously impressive result.
9 and above.
What can we say? Did you take Piedmontese culinary and cultural history as a degree subject or something? A seriously impressive result.
8 and above.
What can we say? Did you take Piedmontese culinary and cultural history as a degree subject or something? A seriously impressive result.
7 and above.
Hey, seems like you’re pretty familiar with this Alpine gem. But, for a place so esteemed in culinary and cultural history, there’s always more to know.
6 and above.
Hey, seems like you’re pretty familiar with this Alpine gem. But, for a place so esteemed in culinary and cultural history, there’s always more to know.
5 and above.
Hey, seems like you’re pretty familiar with this Alpine gem. But, for a place so esteemed in culinary and cultural history, there’s always more to know.
4 and above.
Hey, seems like you’re pretty familiar with this Alpine gem. But, for a place so esteemed in culinary and cultural history, there’s always more to know.
3 and above.
Looks like you could do with some brushing up on this Italian province, but that’s OK – Piedmont’s wonderful cuisine and rich history is definitely a thing worth knowing about!
2 and above.
Looks like you could do with some brushing up on this Italian province, but that’s OK – Piedmont’s wonderful cuisine and rich history is definitely a thing worth knowing about!
0 and above.
Looks like you could do with some brushing up on this Italian province, but that’s OK – Piedmont’s wonderful cuisine and rich history is definitely a thing worth knowing about!
1 and above.
Looks like you could do with some brushing up on this Italian province, but that’s OK – Piedmont’s wonderful cuisine and rich history is definitely a thing worth knowing about!
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