Kirsten Dunst, a well-known actor, has taken a strict approach to managing her children's screen time and is opting to raise them in an analog lifestyle. In a recent interview, Dunst revealed that she prioritizes keeping her kids away from screens while at home. The household embraces analog entertainment, such as record players, and avoids the convenience of voice-activated devices like Siri.
Together with her husband, actor Jesse Plemons, Dunst has two sons, Ennis Howard, aged 5, and James Robert, aged 2. The couple has made a conscious decision not to provide iPads to their children and prohibits phone usage during meals out, emphasizing the importance of face-to-face conversations.
Concerns about excessive screen time among children are not unique to Dunst. Other celebrities, such as Penélope Cruz and Paris Hilton, have also expressed worries about the impact of social media on young minds. Cruz highlighted the potential for manipulation, especially in developing brains, while Hilton emphasized the desire for her children to have a life beyond social media and constant phone use.
Even prominent tech figures like Bill Gates and Sundar Pichai have implemented restrictions on their children's screen time. Pichai has made the TV less accessible to limit usage, while Gates delayed his children's cellphone ownership until they were 14.
Statistics show that children in the US spend significant hours on screens daily, with recommendations from the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry suggesting limits based on age groups. For children aged 2 to 5, like Dunst's kids, the recommended screen time is one hour on weekdays and three hours on weekends.
Experts advise parents on managing screen time by encouraging non-digital activities and establishing screen-free zones at home. By fostering a balanced approach to technology use, parents can help their children develop healthy relationships with screens while prioritizing real-world interactions and experiences.