The Governor-General is pleased to announce the following appointments and awards:
Companion of the Order in the GENERAL DIVISION
The Honourable Daniel Michael ANDREWS
For eminent service to the people and Parliament of Victoria, to public health, to policy and regulatory reform, and to infrastructure development.
Professor Karen CANFELL
For eminent service to medicine as an epidemiologist, particularly through cancer research, to tertiary education, and as a mentor and leader.
The late the Honourable Simon Findlay CREAN
For eminent service to the people and Parliament of Australia, to tertiary education, to business, and to industrial relations.
For eminent service to the people and Parliament of Western Australia, to public health and education, and to international trade relations.
Sir Jonathan MILLS AO
For eminent service to international cultural leadership and diplomacy, to the performing arts, to philanthropic ventures, and to tertiary education.
Ms Samantha Joy MOSTYN AO
For eminent service in the social justice, gender equity, sporting, cultural and business sectors, to reconciliation, and to environmental sustainability.
Officer of the Order in the GENERAL DIVISION
The Honourable Kevin Harcourt BELL AM KC
For distinguished service to the judiciary, to the law, and to human rights through education and reform.
The Honourable Gregory Ivan COMBET AM
For distinguished service to the people and Parliament of Australia, and to the banking and superannuation industries.
Professor Ross Leon COPPEL
For distinguished service to science as a microbiologist, to tertiary education, to board and advisory roles, and to innovation.
Professor Jo Anne DOUGLASS
For distinguished service to medical research, to clinical immunology and allergy, to respiratory medicine, and to tertiary education.
Professor John Barton FURNESS
For distinguished service to medical research in the field of autonomic neuroscience and neurogastroenterology.
Emeritus Professor Suzanne Joan HAND
For distinguished service to palaeontology and zoology, particularly as a fossil bat and marsupial researcher, and to tertiary education.
The late Sir James Gilbert HARDY
For distinguished service to yachting, to the business sector, to charitable organisations, and to the community.
Dr Gillian Anne HIRTH
For distinguished service to environmental science, particularly radiation and nuclear safety, and to the development of national and international regulatory standards.
Professor Thomas MASCHMEYER
For distinguished service to science as a researcher, innovator and educator, and business through pioneering commercial technologies.
Mr Glenn Donald MCGRATH AM
For distinguished service to community health through breast cancer support, and to cricket as an international coach.
Professor Donald NUTBEAM
For distinguished service to public health, to tertiary education, and to professional associations and boards.
Laureate Professor Kate Amanda SMITH-MILES
For distinguished service to tertiary education, to applied mathematical research, and as a role model and advocate for women in STEM.
Ms Jane Susan TEWSON
For distinguished service to the community through social enterprise endeavours, to the not-for-profit sector, and as an entrepreneur.
The late Mr Kevin Ernest WELDON AM
For distinguished service to international and national surf life saving, to publishing, to animal welfare, and to philanthropic endeavours.
Ms Felicity June YOUNG
For distinguished service to public health, particularly to those living with HIV/AIDS, and to gender equality and human rights.
Member of the Order in the GENERAL DIVISION
Mr Peter James AGNEW ESM
For significant service to surf lifesaving as an administrator, official, and educator.
Ms Margaret Ann ALLISON
For significant service to public administration, and to the community.
Mr Gareth Eliot ANDREWS
For significant service to the Australian Football League as a player and administrator, to men's health, and to the community.
Ms Suzanne Maree ARDAGH
For significant service to business, to the arts, and to the community.
For significant service to veterinary science, and to professional associations.
Dr Bronwyn Maree BANCROFT
For significant service to the arts, and to the Indigenous community.
Dr Amanda BARIC
For significant service to anaesthesiology, to pain medicine, and to tertiary education.
Dr Janice Margaret BELL
For significant service to general practice medicine, and to medical education and training.
Mr Craig Anthony BENNETT
For significant service to health administration in leadership and advisory roles.
Mr Daniel Benjamin BESEN
For significant service to the arts, and to philanthropy.
Mr Peter John BLUNDEN
For significant service to journalism, particularly through print media, and to the community.
Emeritus Professor Elivio BONOLLO
For significant service to tertiary education, particularly industrial design research and development.
His Honour Judge Michael Patrick BOURKE
For significant service to the judiciary, to the law, and to the community of Melbourne.
Dr George Patrick BRIDGER
For significant service to medicine through otolaryngology head and neck surgery.
Emeritus Professor Thea Charlotte BROWN
For significant service to social welfare, particularly through family violence and child protection research.
Mr Michael Paul BURGESS
For significant service to public administration, particularly national security and intelligence.
Emeritus Professor Michael Walter BUXTON
For significant service to urban and environmental planning, to tertiary education, and to the community.
Ms Robin Jean CAMPBELL
For significant service to arts administration, and to the community.
Ms Brianna CASEY
For significant service to social welfare, to environmental conservation, and to the community.
For significant service to women's affairs, and to the community.
The late Mrs Ruth Alicia CHARLTON
For significant service to the law, particularly dispute resolution and mediation.
Professor Kathleen Frances CLAPHAM
For significant service to Indigenous community health, to anthropology, and to tertiary education.
Mr John Andrew COLLINS
For significant service to the arts through music, and to the community.
Dr Laurie Margaret COWLED
For significant service to philanthropy in the arts, education and health sectors, and to women.
Clinical Associate Professor John Stanley CULLEN
For significant service to geriatric medicine as a clinician, researcher, health innovator and advocate.
Conjoint Professor Jacqueline Eve CURTIS
For significant service to medicine, particularly as a mental health clinician and researcher.
Ms Roslyn CURTIS
For significant service to education, and to professional associations.
Mr Steven Sydney DAVIS
For significant service to science, particularly through veterinary virology research.
Dr John Kees DE GROOT
For significant service to the law, to tertiary education, and to the community.
For significant service to community health through governance and administrative roles.
Professor Katina D'ONISE
For significant service to public health through translational research, and policy and legislative reform.
Mr Lewis Rolf DRIVER
For significant service to the judiciary, and to the law.
Dr Kathleen Margaret EAGAR
For significant service to community through health services research and development, and as a mentor.
Ms Vanessa Marie ELLIOTT
For significant service to the Indigenous community, to the mining industry, and to public administration.
Mr Clifford Neville FLEMING
For significant service to business, and to the community of Bundaberg.
For significant service to nephrology, to obstetric medicine, and to tertiary education.
Dr Paul Lyttleton GAUDRY
For significant service to emergency and forensic medicine, and to professional associations.
The late Dr Arnold GILLESPIE
For significant service to medicine, particularly as an advocate for voluntary assisted dying.
Mrs Christina Isabelle GILLIES
For significant service to community health, and to business through governance and leadership roles.
Professor Sharon Ruth GOLDFELD
For significant service to paediatric medicine as a clinician and academic, and to public health research.
The late Mr Jacob Kopel GOLDSTEIN
For significant service to medicine as a cardiothoracic surgeon, and as a surgical mentor.
Professor Glen Anthony GOLE
For significant service to ophthalmology, to tertiary education, and to professional organisations.
Professor Emertia Heather GOODALL
For significant service to tertiary education, particularly social science, and to the Indigenous community.
Ms Amanda GORDON
For significant service to psychology, and to the multicultural community.
Mr Ian Rodney GRACE
For significant service to radio, and to the music industry.
Mr Christopher Warren HALL
For significant service to psychology, particularly to grief and bereavement.
Mrs Sharene Marie HAMBUR
For significant service to the Jewish community, and to the law.
Mr Philip Gregory HARRISON
For significant service to youth, and to outdoor and environmental education.
Professor Elizabeth HARTLAND
For significant service to medical research, particularly microbiology, and to tertiary education.
Mr Gerard John HAYES
For significant service to industrial relations, particularly through the trade union sector, and to emergency service organisations.
For significant service to public administration, and to social welfare.
Dr Geoffrey David HIGGINS
For significant service to medicine through clinical virology testing technology, and to microbiology.
The Honourable Justice Graham Eric HILEY RFD
For significant service to the judiciary, to the law, and to the Indigenous community.
Mr George Everard HILL
For significant service to the culinary industry as a chef and educator, and to the community.
Associate Professor Anthony David HOLLEY
For significant service to intensive care and emergency medicine.
Dr Sonja HOOD
For significant service to community through social welfare organisations, and to sports administration.
Mr Ted Walter HUBER
For significant service to defence through science and technology development.
Associate Professor Christine JEFFRIES
For significant service as a paediatrician, to rural and remote medicine, and to the Indigenous community.
For significant service to community health, particularly within trauma recovery.
Mrs Anita Blanche KEELAN
For significant service to netball as a coach and administrator.
Mr Robert James KELLY
For significant service to tertiary education, to the law, and to medical administration.
Professor Elizabeth KENDALL
For significant service to rehabilitation research, to people with disability, and to tertiary education.
Sister Jane Irene KEOGH
For significant service to the community through social welfare advocacy, and to primary education.
Dr Pauline KERR
For significant service to tertiary education, and to international diplomatic relations.
Professor Lisa KERVIN
For significant service to tertiary education, and to research in early childhood digital literacy.
The late Mr Sydney George KINSMAN
For significant service to the community of Alice Springs.
Ms Alison Mary KITCHEN
For significant service to business, to governance roles, and to the community.
Ms Linda Maree KOCHANSKI
For significant service to the law, particularly dispute resolution, and to tertiary education.
Ms Lynn Smith KRAUS
For significant service to business and commerce, to gender equality, and to the community.
Mr Stephen Anthony LARGE
For significant service to historical site preservation, and to the community of the Tasman Peninsula.
Mr Tim LOW
For significant service to conservation, and to environmental education and awareness.
The Honourable Ann Majella LYONS
For significant service to the judiciary, to the law, and to the community.
Mr Richard James MARKS
For significant service to rugby as a player, coach, and administrator.
Professor Brett Michael MCDERMOTT
For significant service to medicine in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry.
Mr Denis William MCLEOD
For significant service to the law, to urban planning, and to the community of Western Australia.
Ms Robyn Leigh MCLEOD
For significant service to the community through social welfare and governance roles.
Mr Daniel Robert MELTZ
For significant service to the law, particularly through international arbitration and dispute resolution.
Ms Julie Gay MILLARD
For significant service to the mental health sector.
Mrs Catherine Anne MONEY PSM
For significant service to leather research, and to environmental conservation.
Dr Brendan Joseph MOORE
For significant service to anaesthesiology, and to pain medicine.
Sister Isobel MORAN
For significant service to medicine, and to the church.
Dr James Alexander MULLINS
For significant service to science, and to the community through an emergency response organisation.
Conjoint Professor Tracey Anne O'BRIEN
For significant service to cancer medicine, to medical research and education, and to professional bodies.
Mr David Charles OLSSON
For significant service to Australia China business relations, and to the law.
Professor Gretta PECL
For significant service to science, particularly ecological research, and to tertiary education.
Emeritus Professor Michael Paul PENDER
For significant service to medicine, particularly neurology and multiple sclerosis research, and to tertiary education.
Mr Darren Walter PENNAY
For significant service to social and behavioural research, and to population survey method development.
Mrs Concetta PERNA
For significant service to the Australian Italian community.
Dr William James PIGOTT
For significant service to conservation and the environment, to medical education, and to international community health.
Dr Winston Frank PONDER
For significant service to scientific research, particularly invertebrate and conservation biology.
Ms Pamela Muriel PRITCHARD
For significant service to the community, to social welfare, and to primary education.
Associate Professor Carolyn QUADRIO
For significant service to psychiatry as a clinician, academic and mentor.
Professor Helen Kathryn REDDEL
For significant service to respiratory medicine, and to medical research.
Mrs Valma Fay REEVE
For significant service to the community in a range of roles and organisations.
The Reverend Dr Charles Richard RINGMA
For significant service to theology, to the community, and to youth.
Clinical Associate Professor Christine Philippa RODDA
For significant service to paediatric endocrinology, to medical research, and to tertiary education.
For significant service to business, to digital inclusion, and to the innovation and technology commercialisation sectors.
Ms Nicolette Liesbeth RUBINSZTEIN
For significant service to business, particularly the finance and commerce sectors.
For significant service to the community, particularly through for-purpose organisations and governance roles.
Professor David McRae RUSSELL
For significant service to general medicine, to clinical education, and as a mentor.
Ms Sarina RUSSO
For significant service to business, to the community, and to vocational education and training.
Professor Una RYAN
For significant service to tertiary education, to biochemistry, and to parasitology.
Professor Gregory Michael SCALIA
For significant service to cardiology as a clinician, academic and mentor.
Mr Paul John SCOTT
For significant service to emergency response organisations through mental health support.
Conjoint Associate Professor James Patrick SCURRY
For significant service to anatomical pathology, to women's health, and to professional societies.
Dr Diana Bronwen SEMMONDS
For significant service to ophthalmology, to regulatory bodies, and to professional organisations.
Mrs Patricia Joy SIBRAA
For significant service to softball as an umpire and administrator.
Mrs Christine SINCLAIR
For significant service to squash as an administrator and referee.
Professor John Howard SKERRITT
For significant service to public health administration and governance, and to scientific research.
The Honourable Jillian Gell SKINNER
For significant service to the people and Parliament of New South Wales, and to community health.
Mr Michael John SMITH
For significant service to geological and earth sciences.
For significant service to business, and to the construction industry.
For significant service to community social welfare organisations.
Mr Raymond Anthony STEELE
For significant service to cricket as a player, coach, and administrator.
Professor Andrew Thomas STEPHEN
For significant service to business marketing research and development.
Ms Elizabeth Anne TAYLOR
For significant service to the community through domestic violence initiatives and organisations.
Professor Jane Elizabeth TOMNAY
For significant service to sexual and reproductive health medicine, and as a mentor.
Mr Mark Hayden TURRA
For significant service to community health through pathology, particularly microbiology and infectious diseases.
For significant service to orthodontics, to education, and to professional associations.
Professor Peter Vernon VAN HEERDEN
For significant service to intensive care medicine, to professional associations, and to tertiary education.
Mr Leonard Stanley VARY
For significant service to the philanthropic sector, to the LGBTIQA+ community, and to the arts.
Ms Jocelyn WALKER
For significant service to business, and to the community through philanthropic endeavours.
Mr Alexander James WARD
For significant service to the legal profession, and to the arts.
Emeritus Professor Ronald Arthur WEBER
For significant service to tertiary education, to accounting and information system development, and to professional associations.
The Honourable Robert James WEBSTER
For significant service to the people and Parliament of New South Wales, and to business.
Mr David Guthrie WILLERSDORF
For significant service to the community of the Greater Dandenong region.
Clinical Professor Daryl Lindsay WILLIAMS
For significant service to anaesthesiology and pain medicine.
Dr Beres Carmel WOODHEAD
For significant service to general practice medicine, particularly in board leadership roles, and to the community.
For significant service to business, and to the community.
Professor Konstantin YASTREBOV
For significant service to intensive and critical care medicine, and to tertiary education.
The late Dr David ZYNGIER
For significant service to tertiary education, and to the community of Glen Eira.
Medal of the Order in the GENERAL DIVISION
For service to education, and to the Swedish community.
Mr Gregory Lawrence ALDRIDGE
For service to community health.
Mrs Madeline Edith ALLEN
For service to community sport, particularly netball.
For service to the Latvian community of Australia.
Mr Giorgio ANGELE
For service to the restaurant and hospitality industry.
Mr David Vincent ARCHBOLD
For service to athletics in New South Wales.
Mrs Wilhelmina Lara ARMSTRONG
For service to the community of East Gippsland.
Mr Cameron Guy ARNOLD
For service to tourism, and to conservation.
Mrs Gillian Beaudricourte AVERY
For service to the community through charitable organisations.
For service to the community of the Cairns region.
Mr Michael Dylan BAILEY
For service to business and industry in Tasmania.
Mr Jason David BALL
For service to the community through social inclusion initiatives.
Brigadier Neale Edmund BAVINGTON RFD ED (Retd)
For service to veterans, and to the community.
Mr John Joseph BAYNIE
For service to emergency response organisations, and to the community.
Mr Paul James BEECH ASM
For service to the community of Harvey.
Ms Judith Barbara BISSLAND
For service to vocational education, and to the community.
Miss Veronica Mary BLAIR
For service to the community, particularly through the church.
Mr Hamish Donald BLAKE
For service to the arts as an entertainer, and to the community.
Mr Ernest Noel BLAKE
For service to veterans and their families, and to the community.
Mr Kalman BLOCH
For service to the community through Lions International.
Ms Elizabeth Kathleen BOBEFF (SAUNDERS)
For service to community health, particularly asylum seekers.
Mr Kerry Michael BOLGER
For service to education.
Mr Lance Raymond BOSWELL
For service to the communities of Albury and Howlong.
Mrs Helen Claire BOTHAM
For service to childhood literacy, and to historical preservation.
Mrs Colleen Joanne BOUCHER
For service to the community of Cobar.
Mrs Barbara Ann BOWEN
For service to the community of Canberra.
Professor Asha Clare BOWEN
For service to medicine in the field of clinical diseases.
Ms Claire Louise BRAUND
For service to women in business, and to the community of the Central Coast.
Mr John Charles BROOKS
For service to the community of Scone.
Ms Suzanne May BROOKS
For service to the LGBTQIA+ community, and to women in business.
Mrs Mary-Ann BROWN
For service to local government, and to the communities of Dunkeld and Hamilton.
For service to medicine as a general practitioner.
Mrs Kay Elanor BRYAN
For service to the arts community, and to education, through philanthropic contributions.
Mr David John BRYANT
For service to the community through a range of organisations.
Miss Suzanne BULGER
For service to the community of Tumut.
Mr Eric Walter BUMPSTEAD
For service to the community of the Cardinia region.
Mrs Carol Ann BUNTON
For service to sport, particularly netball.
Ms Allison BURNS
For service to community health standards.
Mrs Judith Beatrice CALDWELL
For service to the community of Cooma.
For service to early childhood education.
Mr Peter James CAMP
For service to the livestock industry.
Ms Judith Rose CAPOVILLA
For service to netball.
The late Mr Paul CARTER
For service to the community through emergency response organisations.
Ms Michelle CHALLIS
For service to the communities of Geelong and Ballarat.
Mr Raymond Francis CHAPPELL
For service to the community, and to state and local government.
Mrs Gwendoline May CHISHOLM
For service to the community of Berrigan.
Mr Alexander John CLARK
For service to people who are deaf or hard of hearing, and to the community.
Dr Belinda Edith CLARKE (HUNTER)
For service to medicine, particularly pathology.
Mr Noel Terence CLEMENT
For service to the community through charitable organisations.
Mr Anthony James COEN
For service to railway preservation, and to pipe band music.
Ms Morna Mary COLBRAN
For service to the community through social welfare organisations.
Mr Phillip Charles COLLINS
For service to primary industry, and to the community of Lockington.
Mrs Rhona Carol COLLINSON
For service to the community of Caboolture.
Mr Charles Denham COOKE
For service to the Scottish community of New South Wales.
For service to the community through a range of roles.
Mr Martin Henry CORKERY
For service to youth through early education, and to the community.
Mrs Josephine Patricia CORNISH
For service to the community of Beechworth.
Mr Alan James COULTER
For service to community sport.
Mrs Lynette Ann CREGAN
For service to the community of Glen Innes.
Mr Gregory Leigh CROFTS
For service to youth through Scouts.
Mr Michael Lawrence CULLEN
For service to trade and international relations.
For service to the beef cattle industry, and to the Central Australian community.
For service to youth through Scouts.
Mrs Barbara Frances DALEY
For service to the community of Bulimba.
Mrs Laurel May DANZO
For service to the community through St John Ambulance.
Ms Robyn Mary DAVIDSON
For service to adventure and exploration literature.
Mrs Esther Valerie DAVIES
For service to community history, and to education.
Mrs Lindsay Claire DAVIS
For service to surf lifesaving.
Mr Robert James DEAN
For service to the community of Red Cliffs.
The late Mr John Herbert DEVINE
For service to Australian rules football, and to the community of Tasmania.
Mr Kenneth Ronald DIXON
For service to youth, and to the community of the Central Coast.
Mr William Joseph DOBELL
For service to veterans and their families.
Mrs Heather Isabelle DOHERTY
For service to masters athletics.
Dr Francis Richard DOUGHTY
For service to veterinary science, and to the community.
Mr Scott Bruce DRUMMOND
For service to the communities of Porongurup and Mount Barker.
The Reverend Judith Patricia EDGAR
For service to the Anglican Church of Australia, and to the community of Springsure.
Mr Ross James EDWARDS
For service to the community of Lockhart.
For service to the Islamic community, to multiculturalism, and to Australian rules football.
Dr James Edward ELDER
For service to medicine as an ophthalmologist.
Mr Leigh William EVANS
For service to softball. through international and national umpiring.
Mr Wiliam Edward FAINT
For service to the community of Clermont.
Mrs Susan Jane FERGUSON
For service to community health.
Mr Alan Kimber FIELD
For service to the community through music, and to education.
Ms Margaret Josceline FINDLATER-SMITH
For service to women's affairs in a range of organisations.
Mrs Gwyneth Kaye FITZGERALD
For service to the community of Glen Eira.
Mr Reginald Terence FITZPATRICK
For service to the community of Lithgow.
Mr Kenneth James FORBES
For service to lawn bowls.
Mr John Francis FORD
For service to community health.
Dr George Bryan FOSTER
For service to the Jewish community of New South Wales.
Mr John William FRADGLEY
For service to the community, to the Anglican Church in Australia, and to the law.
Mr Jeffrey Ewen FRANKLIN
For service to athletics.
Mr Michael Munro FRASER
For service to the communities of Tweed Heads and Coolangatta.
For service to music as a soloist and chamber musician.
Mr Alan Thomas FRY
For service to the communities of Cohuna and Leitchville.
Mr Raymond John GALLIOTT
For service to veterans and their families.
Miss Heather Elizabeth GARNSEY
For service to genealogy.
Mr Robert John GARTLAND
For service to the community of Geelong.
Dr John Edward GAULT
For service to the community of Bendigo.
Mr William Clifford GEE
For service to surf lifesaving, and to the community.
Mrs Penelope Elizabeth GILLIES
For service to athletics as a coach and competitor.
Mrs Marlene GILSON
For service to the visual arts.
Mrs Annette Linda GLADWIN
For service to the Jewish community of Victoria.
Mr Jonathan Scott GLEESON
For service to martial arts.
Mr Farag Bassili GOBRAN
For service to youth, to aged welfare, and to the Egyptian community.
Mr Leonard George GOODE
For service to the community of Sarina.
Ms Cecilia Rose GORE-BIRCH
For service to the Indigenous community of Western Australia.
Mr Kenneth Barnes GOURLAY
For service to sailing.
Ms Laura Kathryn GREAVES
For service to animal welfare.
Mrs Valerie Lorraine HALL
For service to the community through a range of roles.
The Honourable Shelley Elizabeth HANCOCK
For service to the people and Parliament of New South Wales.
Mr Malcolm Ronald HANSEN
For service to the community through voluntary roles.
Mrs Valerie Mary HANSEN
For service to the community through voluntary roles.
Ms Suellen HARDIE
For service to swimming as an official and administrator.
Ms Meryl Lesley HARE
For service to interior design.
Mr Barry Stewart HARLEY
For service to country music, and to the community of Tamworth.
Mrs Cheryl Anne HARRIS
For service to the community of the Sunshine Coast.
Dr Richard Brian HARROD
For service to emergency medicine.
Mr Richard John HARRY
For service to the community through a range of organisations.
Mr Lance Richard HASLEWOOD
For service to veterans and their families, and to the community.
Ms Denise Anne HEINJUS
For service to nursing.
Mr John Francis HENDERSON
For service to the community of Inverell.
Mrs Susan Jane HENDERSON
For service to the community of East Melbourne.
Ms Deborah Anne HENDERSON
For service to community health, particularly through cancer awareness.
The late Mr Graydon Read HENNING
For service to maritime history, and to tertiary education.
Mrs Claire Marie HENSHALL
For service to the community of Warragul.
Mr Alan Francis HENSON
For service to the community of Sydney.
Mrs Margaret Smith HESLIN
For service to the communities of Casey and Berwick.
Ms Shauna HICKS
For service to community history.
The Reverend Dr Graham Joseph HILL
For service to theological education, and to the Baptist Churches of Australia.
Ms Niharika Suhas HIREMATH
For service to community health.
Ms Mary HOLT
For service to the conservation and the environment.
For service to veterans.
For service to community of North Queensland through a range of organisations.
Ms Donna Jane HOPE
For service to the people and Parliament of Victoria, and to bowel cancer awareness.
Mr Ian Gordon HUGHES
For service to the community of the Shoalhaven region.
Mr Kevin James HUGHES BM
For service to the community through a range of organisations.
Ms Adele HULSE
For service to the community through a range of roles.
Mrs Judith Margaret HUNTER
For service to the community of the Lefevre Peninsula.
Mr Donald Ross HURLEY
For service to model railways, and to rail history.
Ms Carolyn Elizabeth INGVARSON
For service to conservation, and to the community of Boroondara.
Mr Garry Keith IRVINE
For service to Lions International, and to the community.
Mr Ronald Whitmore IRWIN
For service to veterans and their families, and to local sport.
Ms Elisabeth Mary JACKSON
For service to history preservation organisations, and to the community.
The late Mr Kevin James JACKSON
For service to the performing arts as a teacher.
Mrs Yohanni Bey JOHNS
For service to tertiary education.
Dr Richard David JOHNSON
For service to medicine, and to hospital administration.
Mr Peter Charles JOHNSON
For service to the community of the Shepparton region.
Mrs Rosemary Liston JOHNSTON
For service to the arts, and to the community.
Mr Henry Leonard JONES
For service to veterans, and to the community of Parramatta.
Mr Douglas Herbert KAESLER
For service to cycling.
Mrs Kerrye Suzanne KATZ
For service to judo, as a coach and athlete.
Mrs Harinder KAUR
For service to the community through social welfare organisations.
Professor Anne Marie KAVANAGH
For service to medicine, particularly disability health research.
Distinguished Professor Stuart Bruce KAYE
For service to international law, and to tertiary education.
Mr Geoffrey Brian KAYE
For service to education, particularly STEM.
Mr Neville John KELLY
For service to the community of New South Wales.
Mr Richard James KENNEDY
For service to the community of Crookwell.
Mr Raymond Hunter KIDD
For service to the arts as a patron, and to oenology.
Mrs Diana Margaret KIDD
For service to the arts, and to youth.
Mr Austin Suk-Hwan KIM
For service to the Korean community of New South Wales, and to the community.
Ms Judith Kathleen KING
For service to secondary education.
Mr Norman Allan KITTO
For service to the communities of the Blue Mountains and Western Sydney.
Mrs Cheryl Anne KITTO
For service to the communities of the Blue Mountains and Western Sydney, and to people with disability.
Ms Carolyn Joy KITTO
For service to the community through social justice initiatives.
Mrs Barbara KNOWLES
For service to hockey.
Mrs Audrey KOOSMEN
For service to animal welfare.
Dr Chi Wing LAI
For service to medicine as a general practitioner, and to the community.
Dr Buuloc LAM
For service to dentistry, and to humanitarian dental care.
Dr Stephen Alan LANGFORD
For service to medicine, to rural health, and to medical education.
Mrs Prudence Ann LAWSON
For service to the community through social welfare support.
Dr Carl LE
For service to medicine in the motor sports industry.
Mrs Jo-Ann Patricia LEES
For service to youth through Girl Guides.
For service to the performing arts as a theatre director.
Mr Michael Nicholas LITIS
For service to the community through sports organisations.
Rabbi Mendy LITZMAN
For service to the community through emergency response organisations.
Ms Jeanette LOCKEY
For service to the community of Tamborine Mountain.
Ms Jillian Kay LONG
For service to hockey as an administrator and umpire.
The late Professor Emeritus William John LOUIS
For service to medicine as a clinical pharmacologist.
Ms Susan Mary LOVE
For service to the community of Malmsbury.
For service to philanthropy, to education, and to local sport.
Mr James Andrew MACLEOD
For service to the community of Melbourne.
For service to people with disability.
Dr Lynette Therese MASTERS
For service to medicine as a neuroradiologist.
For service to the community of Brisbane.
Mr Robert Armand MAUL
For service to the community through emergency response organisations.
Ms Margaret Jane MAUNSELL
For service to business, and to the community of Cairns.
For service to community health through cancer awareness programs.
Mr Paul Bradley MCCANN
For service to cricket.
Mrs Maria Jeanette MCCONVILLE
For service to athletics.
Ms Maureen Anne MCINERNEY
For service to the community through social welfare roles.
For service to the community of Shepparton.
The late Mr Brian Letham MCKITTRICK
For service to secondary education.
Mr Michael Joseph MCLAUGHLIN
For service to the community of Violet Town.
Mr Garth Wallace MCMILLAN
For service to the community through emergency response organisations.
Mrs Janice Ann MERCER
For service to thoroughbred racing in the mid north coast region.
The late Mr Mervyn James MERCER
For service to thoroughbred racing in the mid north coast region.
Sister Helen Clifton MERRIN
For service to special needs education, and to the Catholic Church in Australia.
Mrs Dimitra MICOS
For service to the Greek community of Sydney.
Mr Peter George MILLINGTON
For service to water conservation.
For service to the Italian community of Fremantle.
Mr Edward MONAEI
For service to the Indigenous community, particularly through sport.
Mr Clifton Barry MONAGHAN
For service to hockey.
The late Mr Brian Carl MORELLI
For service to veterans and their families, and to sports journalism.
Dr Pauline Margaret MORGAN
For service to the Catholic Church of Australia, and to education.
Ms Jennifer Lea MORRIS
For service to women through leadership and mentoring roles.
Mr Greg MUNT
For service to the community through social welfare organisations.
Mr Robert George NELSON
For service to the communities of the mid north and the central coast.
Ms Sally Denene NEVILLE
For service to the hospitality industry, and to business.
For service to the Vietnamese community of Western Australia.
Mrs Bich-Cam NGUYEN
For service to the multicultural community of Victoria.
For service to the community through governance and advocacy roles.
Mrs Marie Jeanette NICHOLSON
For service to music as a teacher and accompanist.
Rabbi Jacqueline NINIO
For service to the Jewish community, and to interfaith organisations.
Ms Karen Elizabeth NOONAN
For service to community music, and through emergency response organisations.
For service to the LGBTIQ+ community, and to the domestic and family wellbeing sector.
For service to nursing, particularly to palliative care.
Ms Catherine Maree NUGENT
For service to country music, and to the community of Tamworth.
Dr Mark Kevin O'CONNOR
For service to literature as a poet and educator.
Mr Stephen Mark O'DOHERTY
For service to the community through a range of organisations.
The late Ms Clare O'DONNELL
For service to community health through cancer awareness programs.
For service to nursing.
Ms Kristine OLARIS
For service to the community of Victoria.
Mrs Margaret Anne O'LEARY
For service to military history.
Mr Kevin O'NEILL
For service to football.
Ms Margaret Mary O'ROURKE
For service to the community of Bendigo.
Mr Frank Gerard O'SHEA
For service to international social welfare.
Mrs Patrice Loretta O'SHEA
For service to the environment, and to secondary education.
Mrs Merrill Penelope OVENDEN
For service to youth through Scouts.
Mr Malcolm Bruce PADGETT
For service to business, and to the community.
Ms Nalika Priyadharshi PADMASENA
For service to the multicultural community of New South Wales.
Mr Roger PAGE
For service to secondary education.
Mr William PALMER
For service to the community of the Hawkesbury.
Mr Reginald Ernest PALMER
For service to primary and secondary education.
Mr Maxwell William PAPLEY
For service to the community of the Cardinia Shire.
Mr Donald Allan PAPST
For service to the community of Horsham.
Ms Rhonda Joan PARKER
For service to the community of Boyup Brook.
Mr Reginald Keith PARSONS
For service to youth through Scouting.
The late Mr Gavin Hamilton PATTERSON
For service to the community of Hervey Bay.
Mrs Susan Margaret PAVISH
For service to physical education.
Mrs Rita Ann PEACHEY
For service to youth.
For service to the real estate industry, and to the community of Essendon.
Mr Dustin Ross PERRY
For service to community health through the not-for-profit sector.
The late Mr James Macklin PFEIFFER
For service to education, and to the Uniting Church in Australia.
Ms Pamela Gaye PHILLIPS
For service to community health, and to international relations.
Mr Reginald Henry PIERCE
For service to the communities of Wauchope and the Mid North Coast.
Mrs Helen Nance PITTMAN
For service to the community through a range of organisations.
The late Mr Robert Graham PORTER
For service to the community of Officer.
Associate Professor Sabaratnam PRATHAPAN
For service to tertiary education, and to the community.
Mrs Marie-Louise Marisa PREVITERA
For service to the Maltese community of New South Wales.
Mr Bassir QADIRI
For service to the multicultural community of Victoria.
Ms Ruth Elaine RAE
For service to the community of Somerville.
Ms Barbara RAMJAN
For service to rowing, and to the law.
Mr Leonard Arthur RANDELL
For service to sailing, and to naval architecture.
Ms Janice Margaret RANDLES
For service to paralympic sports.
For service to the community of Kiama.
Mr Domenico RECHICHI
For service to the Italian community of Fremantle.
Mr James REES
For service to the arts as an entertainer, and to the community.
Distinguished Professor Andre Masumbuko RENZAHO
For service to medical research, particularly refugee and migrant health.
Dr Luz Estela de Fatima RESTREPO RESTREPO
For service to the multicultural community of Victoria.
Mr John Cyril REYNOLDS
For service to business.
Ms Catherine Mary RINGSTAD
For service to the community through social welfare roles.
For service to media as a sports commentator.
Mrs Suzanne ROBERTS
For service to music, and to secondary education.
Ms Diana Jane ROBERTS
For service to the community of Nimbin.
Dr Noel Clyde ROBINSON
For service to architecture.
Mrs Evelyn Mona ROBINSON
For service to netball as an administrator, coach, and athlete.
Dr Kathryn Minette RODDEN
For service to conservation.
Dr Jonathan Percy ROGERS
For service to dentistry in a range of roles.
Mrs Donna Maree ROUSHAM
For service to people with disability.
Miss Ann Southcombe RUSDEN
For service to education, and to the community.
Mrs Josephine Florence RUTLEY
For service to youth, and to the community.
Mrs Maureen Anne RUTLIDGE
For service to the community of the Northern Beaches.
For service to the community of Southport.
Dr William Robert RYALL
For service to conservation and the environment.
For service to the community through social welfare organisations.
Mrs Moira Therese RYDE
For service to people with disability.
Ms Rona Evelyn SAKKO PSM
For service to science education.
Mrs Margaret SANDS
For service to the community of Leeton.
Mrs Gail Mary SELLERS
For service to the community of Gladstone.
Mr Peter Albert SENIOR
For service to golf.
Ms Noelle Eve SHADER
For service to ballet.
Mrs Kathy Sharon SHAND
For service to the arts, and to the community.
Mr Trevor Robert SHARP
For service to the community of McLaren Vale.
Mrs Nanette Gwendoline SHARP
For service to the community of southern Adelaide.
Mrs Sandra Rae SHARP
For service to the community of McLaren Vale.
Ms Caroline SHARPEN
For service to the performing arts through leadership roles.
Mrs Letitia Molesworth SHELTON
For service to the Royal Humane Society of Australasia.
For service to the building and construction industry.
Mr Robert Gregory SIMMS
For service to the Indigenous community of Western Sydney.
Mr Bernard James SINNOTT
For service to the community of Camperdown.
Mr Maxwell Arthur SLEE
For service to the community, particularly history preservation organisations.
Dr David William SMITH
For service to medicine in the field of microbiology.
Dr Robyn Ada-Marie SMITH-WALLEY
For service to the Indigenous community of Western Australia.
Mr Robin Peter SNOWDON
For service to the community, and to Australian rules football.
Mrs Dianne Margaret SPARK
For service to the community of French Island.
For service to medicine as a microbiologist.
Ms Emma Elizabeth STANFORD
For service to Indigenous eye health.
Dr Damien John STARK
For service to medicine in the field of microbiology.
Mrs June Louise STEVENS
For service to the community through social welfare organisations.
Mr Phillip Wasley STYLES
For service to tourism in South Australia, and to the community.
Mr Kevin Raymond SULLIVAN
For service to veterans, and to the community.
Mrs Helen Christine SUMMERS
For service to the community of the Northern Territory, and to optometry.
For service to the culinary industry.
Mrs Anthea SWANN
For service to the community through a range of organisations.
For service to animal welfare.
Ms Colleen Mary TAYLOR
For service to public administration.
Ms Bee Ho TEOW
For service to tourism, and to the community.
Ms Sakshi Sanjaya THAKUR
For service to the community through social welfare organisations.
Mr Philip John THOMSON
For service to the community of the Numinbah Valley.
Mr John William THORPE
For service to the community of Gawler.
Mr Michael Eric TITLEY
For service to agriculture.
Dr Rosalie Joy TRIOLO
For service to community and school history, and to tertiary education.
Ms Anne Elizabeth TUNKS
For service to community health, particularly dementia support.
Mrs Samantha Jane TURNER
For service to nursing, and to the community.
Mr Walter John TYSON
For service to the community of the Bellingen Shire.
Dr Laurence John UPFOLD
For service to people who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Aunty Beryl VAN OPLOO
For service to the Indigenous community, and to the hospitality industry.
Mrs Anne Esther WALKER
For service to the community of Darwin.
For service to country music.
Ms Jennifer Anne WALLACE
For service to special needs education.
Ms Wendy Jean WALLER
For service to local government, and to the community of Liverpool.
Mr Paul Howard WARREN
For service to the community of South West Sydney.
Mrs Rhonda Joy WATT
For service to the community of Cumnock.
Mr Richard Leigh WATTS
For service to the arts, and to the community of Victoria.
The late Mr Nicholas John WAY
For service to the media as a journalist, and to the community.
For service to men's health, and to youth.
Mrs Evelyn Joan WHITE
For service to the community of the Goondiwindi region.
Mr Roger Charles WILKINSON
For service to the community, and to acoustic engineering.
Ms Cassandra Margaret Eilish WILKINSON
For service to the broadcast media, and to the community.
Ms Jennifer Dianne WILLCOX
For service to the community of the Shire of Manjimup.
Mr Leslie Charles WILLIAMS
For service to the community of Tasmania.
Mr Barrie John WILLIAMS
For service to the law, and to the community.
For service to the communities of Ravensthorpe and Jerdacuttup.
Ms Ruth Evelyn WILSON
For service to hot air ballooning.
Mrs Elizabeth Carmyl WINKLER
For service to the communities of Benalla and Tallangatta.
For service to the community through social welfare organisations.
Sister Janet Mary WOODS
For service to secondary education, and to the Catholic Church in Australia.
Mrs Lesley Ann WOOLF
For service to Indigenous health, and to rural and remote nursing.
Mr Graeme Robert WORTHINGTON
For service to the community of the Sunraysia region.
Mrs Jeanette Ellen WORTHINGTON
For service to the community of the Sunraysia region.
Ms Yvette Landau ZEGENHAGEN
For service to international law.