The leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, has set up a new secret squad who will execute anyone viewing pornography, it has been emerged.
"I've heard about people being shot for distributing impure cultural contents. There was one person who was executed for watching pornography and prostituting at his place after Kim Jong-un took office," a horrifying new report read.
The hit squad have been enlisted in an attempt to stamp out foreign television, porn, haircuts and even birthday parties, according to testimony from a defector included in a new report.
The Database Centre for North Korean Human Rights (NKDB) based in Seoul, says leader Kim Jong-un is tightening his grip on the nation which is already under severe restrictions.

Citizens are being prosecuted for anything from defection, smuggling and begging, to missing work, traffic offences, adultery, dying hair, religious practices and taking part in so-called decadent culture - which can include parties.
The report continued: "First they check how you dress. Then what type of music you listen to, what videos you watch, whether you have dyed your hair […] You cannot have a birthday party as a group,' the defector said, according to the report.

"They keep saying not to have gatherings and drink alcohol because when people are drunk, they will end up singing one or two South Korean songs for sure."
Earlier this month, it was reported that four students were chucked out of university and forced to work in a coal mine because authorities thought they had been watching too much foreign TV and were talking with accents or phrases from the South.
While watching porn comes with the highest price of execution, for other offences people are fired from work or sent to re-education or labour camps.
In December 2021, it was reported that at least 10 civilians in the previous decade had been killed by firing squad for watching South Korean content.