North Korea leader Kim Jong-un daughter's face has been quietly revealed in propaganda across the country, experts in China are lead believe.
The girl – tentatively identified as Kim Ju-ae, the dictator’s only known child – appeared on stage at the country’s National Day celebrations earlier this month.
She was among one of several other children preforming a song for Kim Jong-un and his wife, Ri Sol-ju.
However, experts claim that something in particular stood out to them towards the end of the show.
Writing under the alias Samhero, one analyst on the InDPRK blog noted how the wife reaches for this particular girl at the end.

The analyst noes the girl is seen placing her hand on the child's back and proceeds to talk to her personally - only breaking off when she needs to move another girl out of her husband's path.
When the other children huddle around the despot - jumping with excitement - she appears to grab another girl’s arm to hold her back when she follows him too closely.
Further clues highlight that Kim Ju-ae may be the tyrant's daughter, with the analyst claiming that the camera solely focuses on her as the singing begins, lingering for several seconds, before returning to her again and again.

It has also been noted that her appearance stands out too, as she is the only girl wearing her hair down and the only one wearing white socks.
Furthermore, the Kims themselves seem to be very invested in the performance.
At one point the camera cuts directly from the beaming first family to a close-up of the girl.
And at other times the tyrant’s sister, Kim Yo-jong, apparently wipes away her tears.

Others have noted that the girl performed just once, when the tyrant was in attendance – apparently missing a repeat performance the following night.
An expert on North Korean elite, Michael Madden, has gone on to shockingly state that Kim’s daughter would be of a similar age to the girl in question.
He said: “She would be close to 10-years-old in 2022 which is about the age of the girl shown in state media footage.”

Madden added that Ri Sol-ju has also made multiple TV appearances prior to being ever being identified as part of the family, saying: “Madame Ri appeared on North Korean television on several occasions as a singer, sometimes as a soloist, at concerts.
“These appearances occurred prior to her July 2012 identification as Kim Jong-un’s wife.”
However, the specialist emphasised that making his daughter too public would carry serious risks for Kim.
He said: “When Kim Jong-un was a child and teenager, he was kept cloistered from all but the top North Korean elites who had close family or personal relationships to his father.
“North Korean elites could not interact with him or his siblings without his father’s approval.
“Potential adversaries among North Korean elites, if aware of the identities of the leader’s children, could present a vulnerability."

He added: “Instead of fomenting a coup or insurrection against the political leadership, the children could be kidnapped or harmed as a means of attaining leverage over the leader.
“This applied to Kim Jong-un when he was growing and could very well apply to his own children.”
Madden also went on to add: “This dynamic reduces the likelihood he would allow his children to show up on state television, even inter alia.”
A fellow of The Stimson Center in Washington DC who also runs the North Korea Leadership Watch website, Madden, shockingly explained that there were likely more Kim children elsewhere.
While there are many rumours, the existence of Kim Ju-ae was confirmed by basketball star Dennis Rodman who visited Kim Jong-un in 2013.

Analysing the rumours, Madden said: "The current rumours intelligence about the children of Kim Jong-un says that he has three children, two daughters and one son.
“That said, the information feeds about his children are contradictory and speculative.
"Some information about their children derives from observation of state media photos in which Madame Ri appears to be pregnant.”
There’s also growing speculation that a mysterious woman seen following the dictator recently is his half sister, Kim Sol-song.
North Korea’s ruling regime is notoriously tight-lipped about its first family.
Only a year before the death of his father and predecessor, Kim Jong-il in 2010, Kim Jong-un made himself known to his countrymen.