The first accused in the case in which the carcass of a wild elephant was buried on a rubber estate at Vazhakode, surrendered at the Machad forest range office on Thursday.
Maniyanchira Roy, the first accused, is the owner of the rubber estate. Sebi of Pala, who helped Roy to bury the elephant, also surrendered before the forest officials.
The carcass of a wild elephant was found on the rubber estate owned by Roy on July 14. The police had earlier arrested Akhil, the second accused, with one of the tusks of the dead elephant. Cases were registered against 10 people according to the statement given by Akhil.
According to Akhil, the wild elephant was electrocuted from the electric trap meant for wild boar. The trap was allegedly set by Roy. The elephant was buried in the estate itself.
However, Akhil cut one of the tusks from the carcass. It is said that Roy was not aware of it. Akhil was arrested by the police from Kodanad along with three others while trying to sell the tusk.