Putting together an event, be it a birthday party, a wedding or just a boardgame night takes effort. The least the potential guests can do is comply with any additional instructions or, at the very least, actually tell the host if they plan on showing up at all.
A mom asked the internet if she was wrong after she refused to feed the kids of parents who would not RSVP to her child’s birthday party. Despite frequent requests for them to do that, as the mom was making personalized lunch boxes for each kid, some parents simply showed up, dropped off their child and drove away.
It’s not exactly easy to plan a party when you don’t know how many people will show up

So one mom ended up unable to feed the kids of parents who refused to RSVP

Letting the host know if you are going to show up is important
RSVP’ing to a birthday party your child is invited to might seem like a small courtesy, but it’s actually a big deal for the host. This should really go without saying, but time and time again, stories like this prove that people can just be, at best, lazy and inconsiderate and, at worst, pretty darn entitled. It’s perhaps telling that some of these moms just showed up and drove off, without a word of warning, as if they knew they should have RSVP’d, but, obviously, didn’t. There are hosts that do ultimately ask for too much from guests, but just letting someone know if you will be there is the simplest task.
When parents take the time to plan a party, whether it’s at home, a park, or an event venue, they need to know how many kids are coming so they can prepare. Food, goodie bags, activities, and even seating depend on having an accurate headcount. Not responding leaves the host guessing, which can lead to unnecessary stress, overspending, or not having enough to go around. As the mom said, it’s more than just food, there are allergies, dietary restrictions and even preferences. Eight year old’s can be pretty picky, up to the point of going hungry for an entire day.
Beyond logistics, RSVP’ing also shows basic respect. If someone invites your child, it means they want them there. Not responding at all can feel dismissive, as if the invitation didn’t matter. Even if your child can’t attend, a quick reply lets the host know where things stand and prevents them from holding a spot for someone who isn’t coming. It’s a simple act of consideration that helps everyone involved. These parents didn’t care, even if it meant their kids might not eat, which might be a quintessential example of entitlement.
It’s unfortunate that some kids had to go without meals
Lastly, setting the habit of RSVP’ing teaches kids about responsibility and social etiquette. If they see their parents responding to invitations, they’ll learn that it’s part of being a thoughtful and considerate guest. In a world where people are becoming more last-minute about commitments, taking a few seconds to confirm (or decline) a party invite helps keep things running smoothly and makes life easier for everyone, especially the parents trying to throw a fun celebration.
Some folks did point out that maybe she should have some lunches ready because time and time again, some adults simply prove to be unreliable. After all, the end result is kids not having lunches through no fault of their own. You can’t really expect an eight year old to know to remind their parents to RSVP, much less know what that even means.
Of course, this opens up its own can of worms. What if she did make extra, but the kids couldn’t eat the food provided for one reason or another? What if she made four extra lunches and six unexpected kids showed up? Should two just go hungry? These are quandaries that might be too much to bother with when, ultimately, the parents who didn’t respond are to blame. After all, while the optics aren’t great, it’s important to remember who could have prevented this.
Many readers agreed with her

A few thought the kids shouldn’t suffer because their parents are entitled