Bollywood actor Janhvi Kapoor’s sister Khushi has revealed that their father and producer Boney Kapoor is over-protective, and has a curfew time for her. She also said that while she dreams of making her debut with Karan Johar, much like her sister, it is her dad who will get to choose her co-star.
Khushi, daughter of late Sridevi, opened up about her father when she appeared on BFFs with Vogue Season 3, read a statement. When host and actress Neha Dhupia enquired from Khushi about her dream debut, she said she will follow director Karan Johar blindly but her father will choose her co-star.
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To this, Neha asked: “Khushi, you’re 18. I’m curious to know what sort of trouble you get into? Curfew! Where am I? Who am I with? Once my dad sent a message to my friend saying, ‘Hey beta! Send a photo of you and Khushi’,” she said.
Neha then asked: “Is your family okay with you dating or do you have to sneak around?” Khushi replied, “I think dad is open to the idea of me having a potential boyfriend.”
Janhvi made her debut with Karan Johar’s production Dhadak, a remake of Marathi hit film Sairat.
Promos of the show also revealed that the sister discussed Janhvi’s relationship status. As Neha grilled Janhvi over her relationship status, the actor replied, “This is a tricky question.” However, it seems Khushi came to her rescue as she described Janhvi as ‘boring’. “She is boring because she is quite nice, she is single,” said Khushi for which she earned a pat on the shoulder from her elder sister.
Khushi came to the show with her sister Janhvi. The show will premiere on April 27 on Colors Infinity.
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First Published: Apr 24, 2019 08:24 IST