Kerry Katona choked back tears in an emotionally charged Loose Women interview as she spoke about how she's still living in fear, following her abusive marriage to late ex husband George Kay. And Kerry admitted that things got so bad that her mum Sue told her she fully expected a knock at the door to say George had killed her.
The former Atomic Kitten star and I'm A Celebrity winner appeared as a guest on the ITV lunchtime show, having been a regular panellist years ago, to talk about her new autobiography Whole Again, which of course takes its name from Atomic Kitten's biggest hit. Kerry explained the book is all about how she's overcome some of the hardships she's faced in more recent years, as well as some of the strained relationships she's been involved in.
Kerry appeared on Loose Women a few years ago after her and George, who died after overdosing on cocaine in 2019, had just split up, crying on the panel as she struggled to come to terms with what happened. Kerry explained that while their volatile relationship was often featured in the press, a lot also went on behind closed doors that she never spoke about.
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Elaborating on why she kept things secret, Kerry said: "The fear, the fear from George was so severe. Lily and Molly (her daughters with ex Brian McFadden) would come home from school and I'd say 'just go upstairs,' I'll never forgive myself for that." Linda Robson asked Kerry if she tried to 'shield the kids' from what was going on, to which she replied: "They never saw anything but they heard it a lot of it."
Loose Women host Jane Moore stepped in at that point to say: "Kerry, it wasn't your fault," before Kerry continued: "It's not about, blame, it's a fear," as she started to become emotional. When asked by Coleen Nolan what she would say to someone 'sitting at home in the same situation,' Kerry started to cry, with the panel passing her tissues.

And it was then that Kerry opened up on how her mum feared for her life, telling Coleen and her co-stars: "My mum says she was waiting for the police to knock on the door. I remember one time George was covering up my bruises and my mum was looking and going 'what are those bruises from?' And I was like 'oh, it's from having rough sex mum.'
"And he looked at my mum and my mum said that he knew that she knew kinda thing. Molly gave me a look of pure weakness and I thought what am I teaching my kids?"