Aattam has been chosen as the best film in the 47th Kerala Film Critics Awards announced here on Sunday. The film’s director Anand Ekarshi was also adjudged as the best director. Biju Menon and Vijayaraghavan shared the best actor (male) award for their performances in Garudan and Pookkaalam respectively. Zarin Shihab and Shivada won the best actor (female) award for their performances in Aattam and Jawanum Mullappoovum respectively.
Thadavu, directed by Fazil Razack, has been chosen as the second best film. Mr. Razack also won the award for the second best director. Kalabhavan Shajohn (Ithuvare, Aattam), Shane Nigam (RDX, Vela) and KPAC Leela (Pookkaalam, Poovu) won the supporting actor awards. V.C.Abhilash won the best screenplay award for Pan Indian Story. RDX (Director Nahas Hidayath) and Garudan (Director Arun Varma) shared the award for the best popular film.
Jury members
The awards were decided by a jury headed by association president George Onakkur, and consisting of Thekkinkad Joseph, Aravindan Vallachira, Murali Kottaikkakam and A. Chandrasekhar as members.
The Chalachitra Retnam Lifetime Achievement Award has been bestowed on actor, scenarist and filmmaker Sreenivasan. Actors Mukesh, Premkumar and Suhasini; film editor Bina Paul; and producer Kireedom Unni have been selected for the Chalachitra Prathibha Awards. Kurinji (Director Gireesh Kunnummel) won the award for best tribal language film.
Armo won the best cinematographer award for Anchakkallakokkan, while Appu Bhattathiri won the best film editor award for Rani: The Real Story.