Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Wednesday said collective efforts of the Education department, parents, teaching community and society have helped to ensure that the education process of the State continued unhindered during the time of COVID-19 pandemic.
He has made the remark in the wake of a recent India Case Study on the effects of COVID-19 on education, conducted by UNICEF, which lavished praise on the State.
In a series of tweets, the Chief Minister quoted some excerpts from the study report, which mentioned the State’s achievement. “Kerala is an exception: about 70 per cent of parents of both younger & adolescent students believe that overall learning progress is the same or better than it would be in school,” he tweeted, quoting the UNICEF survey.
“Kerala has the greatest technology access, & it has also been among the most proactive states in supporting students: it is the only State where nearly everyone who used remote learning, reports that the government has provided remote learning resources,” the study further said.
Mr. Vijayan thanked everyone who stood by the children to overcome hurdles and ensure hassle-free learning during the time of the pandemic.
“Wholehearted thanks to everyone who has made this possible. Education Dept., teachers, parents & society have stood together with the children to overcome hurdles and ensure that our education process continues unhindered,” he further tweeted.