The governor’s race in Kentucky has been labeled competitive and of national interest. The Fancy Farm picnic this past weekend is sometimes referred to as the official kickoff of the fall campaign. But, the Andy Beshear-Daniel Cameron race has gotten significant coverage since the May Primary results came in. Assessing voter interest is still difficult.
Secretary of State Michael Adams said the dynamics changed back in 1992 when a constitutional amendment cleared the way for executive branch officeholders to run for re-election.
“And when you have incumbent and when you have a lack of challengers that reduces turnout. So, I do think the fact that our turnout is comparable to what it was 30 years ago is actually kind of a success because the races are less interesting at least in Primaries,” said Adams.
Michael Adams said an ever-growing independent voter group in the Commonwealth is something leaders in both major political parties need to consider. Since he took office almost four years ago, Adams noted the independents have been the fastest-growing group of voters. And the secretary of state added they can carry an impact.
“We’re a two-party state. We’re 46% Republican 44% Democratic. And that’s a statistical tie as far as I’m concerned. A two-point lead isn’t a lead so it’s important for both sides to get their base to go vote, but also reach to the center and address voters who aren’t part of a party,” said Adams.
Adams said the opening of absentee ballot requests along with early voting can help provide a better idea of voter turnout. But the secretary of state said around 40% is probably a realistic figure.
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