Kentucky schools are facing struggles with absenteeism because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Reverting to traditional schooling seems to be a struggle for some families. Rowan County Pupil Personnel Director, Denine Sergent, wants to explore the complexities of chronic absenteeism and provide solutions to student success.
"I think, you know, the increase really has come from fear in families. Many families were and still are fearful of sending their children into buildings with large numbers of people. The COVID learning loss is real."
Officials have also listed transportation as a national issue that has an impact on students' attendance. Sergent recognizes the alternative of student learning being online education.
"I still want to be able to educate them and if I can't see you face to face every day, in a building. I want our teachers to be able to educate you virtually."
Sergent is working to increase attendance and decrease student truancy and absentee numbers. The end goal is to get students back on track to overcome the challenges that COVID presented. Providing mental health services are currently one of best strategies as students face anxiety returning to schools.
Hear more about this later this week, on Eastern Standard on WEKU.
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