Lexington state senators on both sides of the political aisle are championing legislation to try to reduce fake political messaging, often through artificial intelligence. A lot of national attention came when an A-I-generated voice of President Biden asked people not to vote. GOP Bill Sponsor Amanda Mays Bledsoe says the bill pertains to candidates, candidate committees, and political parties.
“Far easier to spread a lie sometimes than combat the truth. It at least gives us some tools to say, if you do that we are gonna at least have the option to prosecute, bring cases to the court, take damages. Hopefully, that provides some level of someone saying maybe I shouldn’t do that. It doesn’t stop people from on the side, doing their own thing,” said Mays Bledsoe.
Mays Bledsoe said the legislation could impact various means of communication from robo-calls to print to social media. The bill, as written, would come into play 30 days before a Primary Election and 60 days before a General Election.
It pertains to candidates, their committees and political parties, but not independent so-called “dark money” groups. Northern Kentucky GOP Senator Gex Williams cast the lone "no" vote in committee.
“It will absolutely positively not keep any of us anytime from being subject of deepfakes in our campaigns, ok? That will happen by somebody who’s doing an independent expenditure,” said Williams.
The bill includes the opportunity to seek damages in court. The measure sets out parameters for 30 days before a Primary Election and 60 days prior to a November Election. Louisville Democratic Senator Denise Harper Angel asked about a floor amendment, making it effective at passage. Mays Bledsoe said she would welcome that conversation.
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