A tragic incident has unfolded in Prestonsburg, Kentucky, where a dentist and his son are facing criminal charges following the death of an employee at their family restaurant. The victim, 39-year-old Amber Spradlin, was found stabbed to death in the home of dentist Michael McKinney II. The investigation revealed that Spradlin had multiple stab wounds to the head and neck.
McKinney II and another man, Josh Mullins, have pleaded not guilty to charges of tampering with evidence at the scene of Spradlin's death. While McKinney II was released on bail, his son, Michael McKinney III, remains in custody on charges of murder and evidence tampering.
Prosecutors allege that the three men tampered with evidence, including destroying bloody clothing and a security camera that could have captured the crime. They are also accused of planting a knife to mislead investigators.
Spradlin's family has filed a civil lawsuit against multiple parties, including the McKinneys, alleging negligence and obstruction of justice. The lawsuit claims that law enforcement failed to act on calls made before Spradlin's death and accuses the police department of inadequate training.
The motive behind Spradlin's death remains unclear, and authorities have not released any information. The victim had recently started working at the McKinney family restaurant and was last seen with the father and son before her tragic demise.
The family continues to seek justice for Spradlin, with a strong social media presence and billboards in the town demanding 'Justice for Amber.' The case has garnered significant attention, and the community awaits further developments in this heartbreaking story.