‘Marcia’s son will take control’
All family members, board members and senior figures will backstab and sabotage each other for control at the top. Each key character – Ken, Shiv, Roman, Tom, Gerri – will be confident about their chances, but a minority of board members will surprise everyone by voting for an outside figure to control Waystar, leaving all the main characters out in the cold. My guess is that this will be Marcia’s son, who was introduced in season one but has been notably absent since. Everybody will lose their jobs and Cousin Greg will go back to working in a waterpark. Mike, 32, Belfast
‘Yes, Kendall’s name was crossed out’
I believe Kendall has now secured his own downfall by forcing Hugo to initiate a smear campaign on Logan Roy. Hugo will inadvertently discover the fact that Logan covered up the death of Andrew Dodds to protect Kendall. Kendall will be arrested, and the Roy family will lose all influence over Waystar Royco. Perhaps Logan even arranged for things to unfold exactly like this in the event of Kendall attempting to takeover. And yes, his name was in fact crossed out, not underlined. Tari, London
‘Tom and Kerry become an item’
Ewan has been strangely absent this series. Just a mention from Greg to remind us he’s around. I think he will work with Kendall to scupper the sale and then die himself, leaving Greg in a central position. Since Kendall will have lost any chance of working with his siblings, he’ll rely on Greg, who will be manipulated by Gerri. Kendall will be ousted in a board coup. Meanwhile Kerry, still fuming from her treatment by Marcia, will dish some major dirt on the family which will influence the election. Greg will corroborate. The new president will make the final downfall of the Roy dynasty their priority. Tom and Kerry become an item. They think they can manipulate Greg, without realising the others are already doing so, thus he is protected by everyone from everyone else and strolls through. It’s Greg’s to lose. David Tetlow, 66, Epping, Essex
‘It will follow the Shakespearean theme to the bitter end’
I believe it will follow the Shakespearean theme to the bitter end. I am team Kendall but I don’t see him ending this show happily – whether he is on top or not. A lot of Kendall’s character revolves around this melancholy, where you feel he is ultimately going to kill himself. I don’t want it to happen but I can see the rest of the series going terribly for him. If he does survive, I still believe he will be estranged from his family – not only his siblings but his own kids - and follow his dad’s miserable footsteps. There is just no way he can win in my eyes. Lydia, 26, Dublin, Ireland

‘Greg will inherit majority voting rights on the Waystar board’
I believe Mattson and the Pierce family will work out a deal, with Waystar left in the lurch. Greg will inherit majority voting rights on the board of Waystar due to his granddad Ewan (who has something against Logan due to how he treated Connor’s mother) and possibly Marcia. Greg may well choose to fully disinherit the kids, given the fact they have been treating him like crap, and he has repeatedly tried to communicate he has a stake in the game after Logan’s death. Emma Gilbert, 36, London
‘The biggest clue? The ending of Peep Show’
Jesse Armstrong is a cynic at heart. A major theme of Succession is the inevitability of established power regurgitating itself, which leads me to the bleak conclusion that one of the Roy boys will be moulded into a clone of Logan, sat sour and paranoid on the throne. In becoming a mother, Shiv will become her mother: the bitter duchess and perennial victim of gendered glass ceilings. Tom and Greg may be the fan favourites, but for me a victory for these outsiders would contradict the show’s central themes. The biggest clue as to how Succession ends? Armstrong’s tried and tested blueprint for a TV show finale, the glorious Peep Show – which ended right where it started. Zac, 27, Manchester