Katie Price’s ex-husband Kieran Hayler has spoken out after she was spared jail for breaching a restraining order against Kieran’s current fiancée, Michelle Pentecost. The former glamour model avoided prison today (June 24) after pleading guilty to breaching the five-year restraining order.
The star sent a text to Kieran branding his partner a “gutter s**g”, breaching the order. Katie was handed an 18-month community order at Lewes Crown Court to carry out 170 hours of unpaid work after admitting to sending abusive messages to her ex-husband about his fiancée, The Mirror reports.
Kieran and Michelle admitted they were ‘incredibly disappointed’ by the verdict. Kieran stated: “We feel a custodial sentence would have sent the right message to the public given the seriousness of Miss Price's offending.”
Katie showed no emotion as the verdict was delivered but gave a brief smile as she left the dock. The former glamour model branded Michelle a “c***ing whore” and a “gutter s**g” in the text messages sent to her ex-husband in January this year.

Katie was first slapped with the five-year restraining order which forbids her from contacting her ex-husband's partner, directly or indirectly, after she admitted to using abusive language in 2019 towards Michelle, 39, at the school gates. In January this year, Katie messaged Kieran, 34, accusing him and Michelle of conducting an “affair.. behind my back” while they were still together.
In the messages, Katie labelled Michelle as a “c***ing whore piece of s***” and a “gutter s**g”. During court proceedings today, a victim impact statement read to the court stated that Michelle Penticost said the impact of the restraining order breach by Katie Price had a “devastating effect” on her mental wellbeing.
She said: “The impact of what Katie has done is very upsetting, I feel threatened and intimidated. I feel demoralised and not wanting to go out. The language used made me feel scared. I felt it was an attack on me.
“The consequences are I feel she will attack me. I felt by having a restraining order it would make me feel safe but by someone breaching it it has made me feel very vulnerable.”
Before she departed into the court on Friday morning, Katie launched into a foul-mouthed tirade. The reality TV star was heard to say “suck my d***” as she made her way past reporters, one of whom asked her about the chance she could go to prison.
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