Katie Price has hit the headlines for her surgeries many times over the years – but her latest op has garnered a lot of attention.
At the end of last year former Page 3 model Katie, 44, went under the knife for her 16th boob job in a reported bid to have the “biggest boobs in Britain“.
She has since put on a head-turning display during her holiday to Thailand, where she has been showcasing her surgery results in string bikinis as she soaked up the sun and spent time with her youngest children Jett and Bunny.
Now, in a candid interview, Katie has revealed the cup size she discussed her surgery for the first time.
“I’ve probably had more boob jobs than boyfriends – and that’s a fact!,” she said.

Katie, who is reported to have pulled out of a TV show at the last minute recently, reveals she is now a double H cup size after going under the knife in Belgium.
Her breasts are now so large that she has to get the bikinis she wears on holiday custom made.
She revealed: “I can’t buy bikinis any more.
“I have a lady who makes them for me. I pick the design and this time I picked one for Bunny too, so we both have matching bikinis.
“When Princess comes away, all three of us will have matching bikinis. It’s fun!”
Katie had her first boob job at 18 and has been a range of cup sizes over the years.
In 2015, shortly before heading into the Celebrity Big Brother House, she underwent a botched boob job.
One of her implants even ruptured when she was inside the BB House and she was forced to undergo corrective surgery to have the implants removed, which would put most off of going under the knife again.
But, Katie has revealed she loves big boobs more.

She explained: “After Big Brother, I had my implants taken out for six months due to an infection.
“It made such a difference with clothes. I could be so much more fashionable and I looked so much slimmer without my boobs. But ultimately I just love big boobs more. These are the biggest boobs I’ve had. They’re massive and I love it!”
Katie recognises the risk of going under the knife but reveals she was more scared to have her feet operated on than undergo cosmetic surgery and refuses to rule out more.
She said: “There’s always a risk.

But the only time I get scared is when I have to have my feet operated on, because it’s not through choice. I literally s**t myself, I get so nervous and anxious.
“My family are like, ‘But Kate, you get yourself put to sleep for your surgery all the time,’ but I’m like, ‘That’s my choice, it’s different.’
“The only surgery I’m getting now is for my feet because of the life changing injuries. Other than that, I’ll still do my lips, but as surgery goes I’ve got nothing planned. But I’ll always say, ‘Never say never.’”
Katie's daughter Princess recently made her views on her mother's cosmetic surgeries well known.

Appearing on Katie Price's Mucky Mansion, mum and daughter enjoyed a spa day as they went to get facials together where they discussed cosmetic surgery.
In the episode, Katie asked her 15-year-old daughter: “Would you ever have your lips done?“
Princess replied: “I want to say no, like you know how much surgery you've had... Can your body actually move? Because you stretch so much skin.“
Katie vowed to have more surgery someday as Princess replied: “It's your body and your choice, I don't have a problem with plastic surgery.

“But I think some people are so naturally pretty that they don't actually need it. You were naturally pretty.”
Katie, who had her first boob job at 18 years of age, added to the magazine how her experiences with surgery have put her children off of going under the knife themselves.
She said: “I think what the kids have seen me go through is a put-off for anyone.
“They’re like, ‘Mum, why do you do this to yourself?’ They say I look good, but they do also ask, ‘Why did you ever do anything to your face? You looked so good natural.’ But I don’t think I looked good natural.
“I look back at pictures and I think I look better now.
“People say Princess and I look alike, and personality-wise we are very alike, it’s just I don’t look at myself as I was before and think I look pretty, whereas I think Princess is stunning.”