Katie Price’s mum Amy has written a book and in it, she certainly doesn’t hold back on her opinion. Mostly about the blokes Katie has loved, and lost. Telling it like it is apparently runs in the family.
“My daughter is no angel, but she became a sacrificial lamb in a celebrity slaughter the moment she paired up with Peter Andre,” Amy writes.
“His career was in decline and he saw an opportunity in my daughter. Her marriage to this man left her at her lowest ebb and set the scene for further toxic betrothals.”
And when Amy met Kieran Hayler, who would go on to become the third Mr Price, Amy admits, “I wasn’t so convinced about his reliability or independence,” before revealing that he tried to kiss her, and sent her a suggestive text afterwards.

The surprising thing about this outburst isn’t really the content, more that it’s happening at all. Anyone who has watched any of Katie’s extensive reality TV output will know that Amy’s always come across as a no-nonsense, sensible voice of reason. And yet here she is publicly slating the fathers of her grandchildren, when at least two of them (Junior and Princess) are definitely old enough to be aware of it.
It’s hard not to assume she feels that when it comes to protecting these kids about their dads, the ship has long sailed. Katie’s already said all this, and much worse, many times over. She’s long paved the way for Amy’s ex son-in-law character assassinations.

Katie has been used and abused by men all her life, and it’s understandable that she’s bitter. But as a mother, surely you have to hold in your true feelings about your children’s other parent? And there’s an unlikely celebrity role model out there that Katie could be watching and learning from, who provides an excellent example of this under extremely extreme circumstances. Somewhat unbelievably, her name is Kim Kardashian.
Kim’s ex-husband Kanye West has posted her private text messages online, publicly threatened her new boyfriend, abused her mother on social media and basically done everything he can to make her life a living hell. It says much that this family, famous and infamous for opening up every part of their lives, have kept quiet about most of what has gone on.
And of course, Kanye has also made countless other unacceptable high-profile outbursts, which have led to him being largely cancelled. So what does his ex-wife do? Turn the other cheek regardless.

Sobbing to her mum on her TV show recently, she said, “Even through all the craziness of things that Kanye says about us, I never comment, I never post. He has made up the most insane narrative about you and we stay silent, and we stay silent through all the lies, all the stuff.
"I have to sit here and not say anything ever because I know one day my kids will appreciate that and I know that’s the best thing for them.”
Even more than never involving the children in the mess, Kim goes out of her way to put on an astonishingly brave, civil face when it comes to Kanye.

“I’m the one where s**t can be going down and I get in the car and every day the kids want to blast dad’s music. And I’m like, 'He’s the best! Yeah!' And I put it on and we’re singing along and inside I’m dying. But I will be his biggest cheerleader to them forever and one day they will see for themselves and I will answer whatever they want me to.”
Katie could do a lot worse, for all involved, than to take a leaf out of Kim’s book – within reason of course. No-one could ever possibly be expected to feign enthusiasm for listening to Insania.