Kate Winslet has donated £17,000 to a mum who was struggling to pay her energy bills to keep her daughter alive.
The 47-year-old Titanic actress made the donation on the family's GoFundMe page and contacted mum Carolynne Hunter to wish them well.
Carolynne's daughter Freya, 12, has severe cerebral palsy and relies on receiving oxygen for her chronic breathing issues.
And the mother was told her bills would increase from £6,500 to a whopping £17,000 amid the energy crisis.

The Holiday actress Kate then reached out when hearing of the mother's struggle, according to BBC Scotland.
Miss Hunter, 49, said: "Our journey as a family has been very traumatic and I just feel done at this point in my life.
"When I heard about the money I just burst into tears – I thought it wasn't even real. I'm still thinking 'Is this real?'"

Since the actress' gesture, more and more people have donated to Carolynne's GoFundMe page and sent well wishes too.
The total currently stands at £21,558 at the time of writing but is consistently rising.
One supporter wrote: "Best wishes to you st this difficult time". [sic]
Another added: "The story is heartbreaking, we should help as the cost of living has affected them more than majority."
"I'm wishing Freya and all of you well through this winter," a third added.

Carolynne and Freya live in a large council house in Tillicoultry, which is not energy efficient, in order to have space for Freya's breathing equipment.
The mum works full time on a moderate wage but has had to to turn her heating off in most rooms in a bid to afford to keep the oxygen machine on.
Before Kate's donation, Carolynne said her biggest worry was facing fuel poverty.
She added that although money could help their situation, the cost of living crisis is still a concern.

Ms Hunter said: "I didn't speak out to get donations but at the same time I have to make sure that Freya is OK.
"I'm going to be helped but what about everyone else? I wanted the government to pay for it and do the right thing – it shouldn't have to be a celebrity that steps in."
Ms Hunter, who's daughter Freya is the youngest of her four children, cares for her daughter with the support of a team of NHS complex care nurses.
Carolynne said of her daughter: "Freya has the most beautiful smile enriching our lives everyday".

The mum had been campaigning for seven months to raise awareness of how detrimental the rapid rise in energy costs could be for her daughter.
Ms Hunter said the UK and Scottish government have "failed to acknowledge my pleas for appropriate support", as she appealed for help on her GoFundMe page.
Carolynne said she and her daughter had "historically lived in fuel poverty" in order to ensure Freya's medical needs are met.
Ms Hunter's bills had jumped from £225 a month in March this year to £400 a month in April and up again to £505 in October.
Carolynne also expressed "deep concerns" about potential power cuts – which have been reported could last up to three hours a day, following the National Grid's warning.
The mum wrote: "Freya has constant routine medical interventions requiring eqiupment operated by electricity during the hours between 3-7 not to mention the neccessity of heat and light". [sic]