Kate Garraway was left speechless after she finally met one of the nurses who helped save Derek Draper's life.
Her husband was rushed to hospital two years ago after contracting coronavirus, and spent months in hospital where he was cared for by a string of amazing nurses and doctors.
Whilst Derek is still unwell due to the effects Covid had on his body, he has returned home to be with his family - Kate and their two kids - as they all nurse him back to health after a tough couple of years.
As author Michael Rosen - who also had Covid - appeared on Good Morning Britain today, ITV decided to surprise him with one of the nurses - Beth - who cared for him during his hospital stay.

However, it was soon revealed that Beth had also been one of the nurses who helped to look after Kate's husband Derek, and the presenter seemed overwhelmed as she realised that Beth had a hand in her husband's recovery too.
"Derek, I think, was two beds away from Michael. So did you care for him?" Kate asked, as Beth revealed she would have been looking after Derek too, leaving Kate very emotional.
Stunned, she said: "Oh my god, that's amazing. Thank you so much by the way."

"We did everything we could," Beth said, "We put our all into it." Kate then got very emotional as a picture of her and Derek was shown on the screen, as she tried to compose herself.
She added: "Thank you so much, that's amazing. I don't know whether I can leap up and hug you, but I'm going to. Are we allowed to? We're allowed to hug now, aren't we?"
The pair then both stood up and hugged as Kate continued to thank Beth for what she did for her husband.

Fellow presenter Richard Bacon found it all quite emotional too, as he admitted: "Even just sitting here witnessing it, it's very emotional, because Beth is saying they did everything they could for Derek and him and Michael were just two beds away."
Later, Kate admitted she felt "quite overwhelmed" by it all, as she admitted she had never seen any of the nurses who cared for Derek.
"I'm quite overwhelmed as I’ve not seen the faces of anyone from that time so it’s lovely," she said.