Actor Kareena Kapoor’s son Taimur is on his way to go viral once again. The adorable toddler was caught on camera by his family as he chanted ‘mangal murti morya’ at their special Ganesh Chaturthi lunch together on Tuesday.
Kareena’s sister and actor Karisma Kapoor shared a video of her nephew playing with her son Kiaan and cousin Armaan Jain. “#ganpatibappamoriya #family,” she captioned the video with folded hands and heart emojis. In the video, Taimur is seen with a giant lollipop in his hand. He is dresses in a white kurta pyjama while Kiaan is seen in a bright blue kurta. Armaan is dressed in a white kurta and blue jeans. Both the boys are sitting on top of their uncle and Taimur is seen holding Kiaan’s hand. As those around him to chant the prayer again, Taimur says it out loud. “Mangal murti morya,” he says crisp and clear much to the amusement of his family.
More pictures from the lunch show a large Ganpati idol decked with flowers and a picture of the whole family gathered around a couch. Filmmaker Karan Johar’s mother Hiroo and his twins Yash and Roohi are also seen in the pictures. Kareena is dressed in a powder blue suit while Karisma is seen in a cream, floral suit. A third picture shows Kiaan with Taimur and Roohi, sitting next to the Ganpati with folded hands.
Kareena, and Saif Ali Khan returned to India after a long stay in London, last month. There, the two shot for their film Angrezi Medium and Jawani Jaaneman respectively. Taimur was also with his parents in London the whole time.
Kareena will soon be seen in Good News alongside Akshay Kumar, Kiara Advani and Diljit Dosanjh and will also feature as a cop in Angrezi Medium with Irrfan Khan and Radhika Madan. Saif will be seen in Laal Kaptaan and Jawani Jaaneman.
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