Karan Vohra took a break from TV in 2019 following the end of his show Krishna Chali London to explore other avenues. However, the decision backfired and he was out of work for almost three years. He says, “I went on a sabbatical from TV, as I wanted to try my luck in OTT and films. I bagged a series, but work halted because of COVID. So, I was out of work for a long time. I had no choice but to move back to my hometown, Delhi, to save on rent and other expenses. I waited for a good project to return to Mumbai.”
Karan was offered the lead role in the show Pinjara - Khubsurti Ka in 2020 but he wasn’t keen on taking up a TV show then. However, he did a cameo eventually because the shoot was happening near Delhi. The three-year wait finally ended with him bagging the lead role in Imlie. Joining the daily soap midway came with the pressure of recreating the magic of the former lead couple – Sumbul Touqeer Khan and Fahman Khan. He admits, “It’s natural to feel that way and I, too, was anxious. Sumbul and Fahmaan set a benchmark and I had to push the envelope and take the show a notch higher. We have seen several shows featuring big actors failing to make a mark and wrapping up in two months. Given the scenario, it is better to take up an ongoing show.”
The actor regrets staying away from the small screen. He says, “I committed the biggest mistake by taking a break from television to explore other mediums. This experience taught me a lesson that nobody is irreplaceable. We should not let our ego influence our decisions, as it causes us to miss out on opportunities. Despite my previous success on TV, I decided to experiment with OTT, believing it was the next natural progression. However, due to the prolonged absence from work, I found it challenging to sustain myself. I now believe that one should seize good projects, regardless of the medium.”