A recent interview with Vice President Kamala Harris shed light on the Republican narrative surrounding President Biden and the suggestion that voting for him equates to voting for Harris. During the interview, Harris addressed the criticism that her background and career make her incapable. She emphasized that many women leaders have faced similar experiences, such as being the first woman elected district attorney, attorney general of California, and now serving as the first woman vice president. She expressed her love for her job and highlighted the importance of focusing on the substance of her role and the impact she is making.
The panelists in the interview discussed the attack on Harris and its underlying sexism. They noted that she has faced direct scrutiny as the vice president, which is unusual for a campaign. Recognizing the resonance of the issue for women across the country, the panelists praised Harris for acknowledging and addressing sexism in her response. They emphasized the need for her to go beyond discussing collective experiences and highlight her accomplishments and efforts to get things done.
The panelists also debated the effectiveness of the Republican strategy to target Biden's age and link it to a vote for Harris. While acknowledging that Harris has low favorability ratings, they argued that this approach may not be a wise move. They pointed out that it could backfire, particularly among women and black voters who have rallied around Harris and take pride in her historic position. Additionally, they suggested that Biden should embrace the age issue, make self-deprecating jokes, and emphasize the wisdom that comes with experience.
The interview concluded with a discussion on the role of Harris as a key ally and partner to President Biden. They highlighted her active involvement in meetings in the Oval Office and the Situation Room, as well as her important engagements with foreign dignitaries. The panelists noted that Harris has grown more comfortable and influential in her role, debunking the outdated attack on her capability.