Vice President Kamala Harris is currently immersed in a whirlwind of campaign activities as she aims to secure victory in the upcoming election against Donald Trump. Despite the intense schedule, Harris has made it clear to her aides that she is not interested in discussing potential Cabinet members or administration roles for a future Harris administration.
According to sources familiar with the discussions, Harris has been resistant to engaging in any planning for her potential administration, citing a belief in superstition. Known for her superstitious tendencies, Harris prefers to focus on the present task at hand rather than looking too far ahead.
One senior Democrat involved in pre-election discussions with Harris noted her firm stance on the matter, emphasizing her singular focus on winning the election. Harris's approach aligns with her belief that discussing future plans prematurely could jinx the outcome.

Described as a rational and logical thinker, Harris's reluctance to engage in transition planning mirrors that of former President Donald Trump, who also expressed caution in such discussions before securing victory in past elections.
As the campaign enters its final stretch, Harris remains dedicated to her goal of defeating Trump and has chosen to channel all her energy into the present moment, avoiding any distractions that may divert her attention from the task at hand.