TV actress Juhi Parmar recovered from COVID-19 and after 11 days of isolation, she reunited with her family. Juhi thanked her parents for taking care of her daughter Saamairra during her isolation period.
Juhi called this phase to be very challenging, especially as a mother. She posted a video after testing negative. The video features moments from her video call with Samairra and her parents. The Hamari Wali Good News actress said, "2022 you have been extremely challenging. The year started off with Samairra unwell after which I caught Covid. I was so sure I didn't have Covid as I am extra careful but there it was, I tested positive. More than my health, my worry was staying away from my child and my parents, the paranoia that I hope they don't have it. And yet my parents stood strong, though worried about me they took care of Samairra so that I could recover in peace....Sammy missed me everyday as I did too."
Adding further, Juhi shared, "As per rules in 7 days I could come out of quarantine, but I tested and retested till my reports did not read negative and here's a glimpse of our reunion after 11 days. For now I start with the tears of joy, the journey there, will share soon....Remember no matter what, when you have something to look forward to, the will power to fight it out will automatically come, for me that willpower comes from my little angel Samairra. Covid is one battle but being a mother and having Covid is another one....The tears as your child awaits you, that hug that you miss, those small murmurs of "I Love You' are precious and keep one going....So I told myself Stay Strong! We shall overcome....#covidfree #grateful #reunited #family #love #smile #covidnegative @samairratales (sic)"
Other TV moms like Shikha Singh, Addite Malik, Jankee Parekh narrated their ordeal of testing positive and managing their children.