Thousands of devoted Judith Durham fans joined Australia's music industry in paying a final tribute to the much-loved musician at Melbourne's Hamer Hall.
Look back at how the state memorial service for the lead singer of The Seekers unfolded in our live blog.
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Live updates
By Joseph Dunstan

Where can I watch the service?
You can tune in to the official livestream on the Victorian government website.
There are restrictions on live vision of the service tonight, so we're unable to bring it to you live on YouTube.
If you're out and about, the ABC is streaming the service on ABC Radio Melbourne (774AM frequency), which you can also find on the ABC Listen app and online.
The service is also being livestreamed at Federation Square.
By Joseph Dunstan

This blog is over, but Judith Durham's legacy lives on
That's the end of the line for our blog tonight, thank you again for joining and sharing so many wonderful snapshots of what Judith Durham and The Seekers mean to you.
Kaye Mauger: Beautiful memorial ❤️ 💕 🙏😢
Susan: A fine tribute to a beautiful person , who marched on through adversity. A true talent is rare. Thanks for the memories. Vale Judith
Garry: Wonderful tribute to a beautiful person I was pleased to attend
Freckles: I grew up with the Seekers. My parents loved listening to them at home and in the car! Mum played piano while I sang 'The Carnival is Over' and then came second in a our school singing competition! Thank you Seekers for all these wonderful and timeless songs! Judith's voice was angelic and so beautiful to listen too. RIP beautiful lady.
By Joseph Dunstan

Was Judith Durham a style icon for you?
Lots of women have shared memories of taking their style inspiration from Judith Durham, but Lindy has taken it a step further...
Lindy: I am Judith's doppelganger. In the 1960's, when we were both young, I could have been her little sister.
By Joseph Dunstan

A voice whose music 'summed up perfectly' the important things in life
This tribute from Susan feels like a good reason to give this one a spin:
Susan: Judith Durham singing 'A world of our own' was 'our song' for my parents, Yvonne and Peter. They would sing it to each other at home, sometimes the whole song, sometimes fragments as they passed each other in the house. My parents have been dead for some years, but Judith Durham's rendition of this song will always have emotional resonance. It summed up perfectly our parents' marriage and what it meant to them.
By Joseph Dunstan

Here's a highlight of Bruce Woodley's tribute
By Joseph Dunstan

Thanks for sharing so many memories
That's the end of the service, but I'll stick around for a bit to share a few more of your lovely tributes:
Norbert: I'm an old expat living up in SEA. When I think back on Judith and the Seekers it makes one so homesick. Rest in Peace Judith. Your voice will live eternal
Sue Murless: Thankyou Judith for wonderful times in the sixties listening to and singing along with your beautiful voice.Rest in peace.
Helen Bull: Judith had an amazing voice, enjoyed by several generations, As a member of a Jazz Family. We enjoyed the Seekers plus Judith’s humble attitude was impressive. They were a family. Loved around the world. First 🇦🇺‘s so well acknowledged.The care she gave her late husband was 💕warming of her character.
Gaz: Judith, you and the boys have brought me much pleasure throughout my life. Thank you.
Diane: I remember her amazing voice from my school days at Ruyton. So saddened to hear of her passing away. The Seekers' songs now bring tears to my eyes.
Tony Gardner: I’m so glad I had the opportunity to work with Judith professionally. She was an extraordinary vocalist with such a musical understanding. She was a highly talented pianist and really knew her stuff when working with fellow musicians. A sad loss to us all and what a VOICE! Farewell and have a ball in that heavenly choir. R.I.P.
By Joseph Dunstan

When David heard Judith sing, he moved countries
This is definitely on the more extreme end of "the first time I heard Judith Durham sing, I..." fan mail, but I love it:
David: In late 1969 I was walking past the Victorian Consulate in London and I heard Judith's beautiful voice singing Morningtown Ride. I was so moved by her voice that I made up my mind there and then to emigrate to Australia. I went straight to the Australian Consulate in the Strand, collected the necessary immigration papers and left five months later as a ten pound pom. I have no regrets and have lived here happily for the past fifty two years. All thanks to Judith, thank you Judith.
By Joseph Dunstan

'So incredibly humble and encouraging'
Quite a few fans writing in to share their experiences meeting Judith Durham, and the time she always gave to fans around her.
Mariette: I remember when The Seekers came to Perth and they were at Garden City signing autographs one day when I had my dad there who was in a wheelchair. He just loved Judith and the Seekers and was so excited. The cue was a mile long waiting for autographs but wait we did and all his dreams came true that day. Judith talked to him for ages ignoring her minders who were encouraging her to move on.
Carol: Judith was the voice of my teenage years, and she had the purest voice. I was in Target in Camberwell about 10 years ago, and a very petite woman asked me for directions to look for something she was after. As I knew the store well I was able to help her — I was so starstruck when she said in her lovely voice "Oh God bless you!". To my everlasting regret I didn't thank her for the joy she has given me and my family for so many years. Judith was the epitome of goodness and light. Vale lovely Judith and rest peacefully.
Mykel: Many years ago I was at a karaoke bar in Melbourne where Judith's God daughter worked. Judith came in one night to visit and was extremely shy and when asked if she would like to sing she declined saying that "she got incredibly nervous in smaller crowds, but large audiences never bothered her". Later in the evening I plucked up the courage and asked if she would sing a couple of songs and she said yes, if I sang with her, so I literally was standing on stage holding Judith's hand singing Amazing Grace, followed by Delta Dawn. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life and she was so incredibly humble & encouraging. I will never forget that moment.
By Joseph Dunstan

The Seekers release a final song for Durham
Athol Guy says Hamer Hall is a great venue to remember "so many standing ovations" and a lifetime of friendship.
"No more so than when she was recovering from that cerebral haemorrhage and we had to work out [how to continue their anniversary tour]," he says.
After Durham had the all-clear from the doctor, they set up a day for a serious rehearsal.
They'd just started the second song and Guy says he was looking over to check how Durham was going when she grinned and said "this is what we do, isn't it?"
Guy says the group recently discovered an old song, and combined their tracks to sit, with the lead vocals laid down by Durham.
He says Bruce Woodley had written the song for someone needing inner peace, and now the group would share it with the service.
"Here's our last song, together, Carry Me," he says.
The song plays to a final tribute photo of Durham.
By Joseph Dunstan

'Bravery and resilience over a lifetime'
Bruce Woodley recalls how Judith Durham overcame chronic illness to make her dream come true.
"She fought the effects of a serious lung disease most of her singing career, but managed to force herself to go on stage night after night to deliver a knockout performance," he says.
"Quite often the boys and I would hear her in her dressing room coughing her heart out, a few minutes before her show and thinking 'there's no way she's going to sing tonight'.
Woodley says his tribute tonight is to recognise Durham's "bravery and resilience over a lifetime, to become the much-loved and inspirational figure that we are honouring here this evening".
"It has been my honour to be a part of her life as a member of The Seekers and as a friend," he says.
"And what a wonderful adventure we all had together, and what a wonderful enduring legacy Judith has left behind."
He says he imagines Judith up in Heaven enjoying a heavenly choir and arguing with the choirmaster on the arrangement, and suggesting lyric changes.
"I know who would win that argument," he closes.
By Joseph Dunstan

The Seekers step up to pay tribute to Judith Durham
Keith Potger begins, saying it's strange to be on stage without Judith Durham.
He says Durham gave love and her gift to the world.
"Most of all, her love included her husband Ron Edgeworth and her close family," he says.
He says in some ways, the road he travelled with Durham "will go on forever", as they acknowledged in a recent conversation that was in some ways, "a living eulogy" of her great life.
He speaks of the passion that Durham had for raising the voices of First Nations communities.
"So Judith, my little sister, you may not be here in one way, but you've not really gone, because your picture is on my wall and your boundless spirit and love will be in my heart forever," he finishes.
By Joseph Dunstan

Judith Durham's life in pictures
There's a stirring performance of 'Colours of My Life' by Dami Im, before a series of slides walk through Judith Durham's life, including these early childhood shots:

By Joseph Dunstan

Memories of a tour manager's child
We've got this lovely memory from Lee-Anne, who says their late father Colin Crisp was tour manager for The Seekers in Australia and New Zealand in the mid-60s.
Lee-Anne: I remember my first meeting her in 1972 as a 7 year old when she and her husband Ron came through Kalgoorlie for one night and ended up staying with us for a week — I remember having several days off school whilst we showed them about our town- gold pour at the old G.M.K. Tourist Mine and Coolgardie Museum and then getting to go and watch her in concert not once but twice at The Kalgoorlie Town Hall! Her story of visiting Kalgoorlie even featured in her biography "Colours of My Life".
The Carnival is Over Judith — RIP
By Joseph Dunstan

The Wiggles perform a favourite lullaby
Many of you have shared how 'Morningtown Ride' was a song sung to you as a child.
Well, one of Australia's favourite children's bands which couldn't be here tonight sends in a video tribute, performing the hit song from The Seekers.
By Joseph Dunstan

A shining gift from an early age
Alex C wrote in to share his strong memory of Judith Durham's voice from her school days:
I attended the same school as Judith
In early primary school our class went to the 'big school' hall for a special assembly
Judith sang with the madrigal group that morning
Even though I was so young I felt the beauty of her voice… an experience I have never forgotten
Sending love to you Judith
By Joseph Dunstan

'A true artist, to the end'
A raft of entertainment figures have sent in tributes to Judith Durham, which are played to the service:
Singer-songwriter Paul Kelly says one time Durham was visiting, and he mentioned his daughters loved Morningtown Ride.
"So she went upstairs to their room and sang it to the two lucky girls," he says.
"That was Judith. Kind-hearted, generous and loved to give other people joy."
He says there was also a steely independence of mind.
"Her voice is freedom, and she is everywhere."
Singer Jimmy Barnes says Durham was an "integral" part of his upbringing.
"Her songs will live on forever, rest in peace Judith," he says.
Singer Kate Ceberano says Durham took Australia to the global stage, becoming a voice of the nation.
"She was very sage-like, very steady, had many things to say about the times and how it felt to be discovered," she says.
ABC broadcaster Sammy J says catching up with Durham always involved sharing creativity and ideas.
"I will remember her as a true artist, to the end," he says.
Entertainment reporter Richard Wilkins says he and Durham crossed paths in their lines of work.
"She radiated such enormous warmth and positive energy and when she opened her mouth to sing, it was the voice of an angel," he says.
"Time did not weary that voice, that voice that she shared with the world."
From the United Kingdom, actor Joanna Lumley chimes in to pay tribute to Durham's "entrancing" voice.
"Your life will never be extinguished," she says.
By Joseph Dunstan

The power of a Judith Durham performance
Julia Zemiro shares a memory about a moment on the set of SBS's rock quiz show Rockwiz, when she witnessed everyone tear up and cry as Judith Durham delivered a rendition of 'The Carnival is Over'.
"As a non-Melburnite at the time, I didn't quite understand the impact of it," she says.
"Something happened … I came to understand what this meant to Melbourne as people started to cry and sing along to 'The Carnival is Over'.
"People who had not expected this at the end raved about that moment that had made them think, feel sentimental, cry and remember."
By Joseph Dunstan

A gentle cover of 'The Carnival is Over'
It's a very different mood for 'The Carnival is Over' being shared here.
Lyrical piano, a set of softly harmonising voices underneath the melody carried by David Campbell.
By Joseph Dunstan

'The Carnival is Over' - a powerful soundtrack for many
State memorial service MC Brian Nankervis introduces a performance of 'The Carnival is Over' by David Campbell, noting it's a powerful song for many.
There's a reason why — as so many of you have explained in beautiful stories sharing how The Seekers' 1965 hit played out over turning points in your lives.
Believe me when I say these are just a few of those memories:
Les: It was the end of our days at University, in York. "The Carnival is Over" was playing everywhere, and it captured exactly our sense of the end of things. It had been a wonderful time, and the song lodged in my heart for ever. And the VOICE...
Steven: In 1965 I left England with my immediate family for a new life in Australia. Not long before we sailed the Seekers brought out a new song: The Carnival is Over. For many of our friends and relatives it was our last goodbye.
June: This memory is very poignant for me and does evoke tears. My husband was dying in ICU in Sydney. His respirator had been turned off and there was a radio playing quietly in the background as we believed the hearing is the last sense to go. As he drew his last breath the radio was playing The Carnival is Over and "I will love you till I die". He passed with Judith Durham's beautiful voice in his ears. I wish I had contacted her to tell her as it was one of those serendipitous and beautiful moments that sometimes happen in life.
By Joseph Dunstan

Jenn's 'special bond' with Judith Durham
This one's a little long, but it speaks to so many of your messages being shared this week.
Like many fans who had the chance to meet Judith Durham, Jenn's encounter left a powerful memory behind.
She says growing up, The Seekers' music helped "weave a special bond" between her and her mum, as they sang along and harmonised to their chart-topping tunes.
"Every time we got in the car together we'd sing," she says.
"No radio. Just us, singing our hearts out."
Years later, her mother was in palliative care. By a stroke of luck, Jenn's pharmacist boss had a connection to Durham and introduced them one day.
"So next thing I know I'm on a break and Judith and I are talking about music and singing," Jenn says.
"Yes, I told her the car singing story.
"She loved it and said she felt "blessed" to have been part of such a special bond between mum and I.
"But, mostly, we talked about mum and the challenging days ahead. Her husband had died the previous year and her grief was still raw.
"We talked for so long and it was so comforting. She spoke of her last days with Ron and those first days and weeks without him."
It was days to Mother's Day, and Jenn had the chance to get a copy of Durham's signed biography to her mum.
"It was the perfect gift," she says.
"Mum died about a week after Mother's Day. In her final hours my cousins, sister and I sang some of those songs to her. I hope they brought her comfort and maybe sparked some memories of happier times.
"Judith came in a few weeks later to ask about mum, how I was and again left me with comforting words. Such genuine kindness for someone she barely knew.
"I changed jobs soon after and never saw her again other than on stage.
"People will often say someone "touched their lives". Well Judith touched my life in so many ways and I will always love her for it."