Judge Judy says her ex-neighbour Justin Bieber used to be 'scared to death of her' after his arrest in 2014.
The US court show arbitrator, who used to be neighbours with a the Baby singer, says the pair had a frosty relationship back in 2014.
They both had apartments at the Montage Hotel in Beverly Hills and Judy, 80, claims Justin used to ask hotel staff to make him aware of her movements.
It followed Justin's arrest for drink-driving in Miami, during a time Judy branded "foolish" and a "period before he grew up".
Judy says Justin would try everything to avoid her after his DUI arrest, including "paying door staff" to tell him when she was out.

He was seemingly dodging the TV judge after comments she made at the time.
Back in 2014, Judy said in an interview of Justin: "Being a celebrity is a gift. You could either treat it reverently or you could make a fool out of yourself.
"And he's doing a very good job of making a fool out of himself. I think it's sad. And nobody's going to remember that he was a marginal singer.
"But they're going to remember a young kid who had a chance to have it all and who is blowing it by acting like a fool."

It was after those comments aired that Justin began avoiding her back at home, Judy claimed.
Speaking to Access Hollywood, promoting season two of Judy Justice, Judy said: "I must have said something about [his arrest].
"I understood that he was paying the front door people to let them know when I was there, coming and going, so he wouldn't have to bump into me."
The Mirror has contacted Justin's representatives for a comment.
Justin has since turned his life around, thanking his faith for a change in his lifestyle.

In January last year he took to Instagram and penned a long post about his dramatic change, seven years after his drink-driving arrest.
"God has brought me a long way," he wrote. "From then til now I do realize something.. God was as close to me then as he is right now."
He added: "My encouragement to you is to let your past be a reminder of how far god has brought you.
"Don’t allow shame to ruin your 'today' let the forgiveness of Jesus take over and watch your life blossom into all that God has designed you to be."