Jordanian Logistics Association (JLA) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Dubai Ports World (DP World) to promote interests of small and medium shipping companies in Jordan.
According to a JLA statement issued Saturday, the memo was signed on the sidelines of the first Global Freight Summit 2022 held in Dubai, Petra news agency reported.
The deal would stimulate the association's members to join membership of Digital Freight Alliance, a platform that sells digital services and integrated supply chain solutions to its customers, under a registered freight broker agreement inked by the two sides.
The JLA, which was established in 2007, aims at representing workers in Jordan's shipping industry, protecting their rights, providing a competitive environment, and developing work systems for freight and logistics service providers.
The JLA distributes bills of lading for multimodal transport means to its members based on an agreement signed with FIATA.