This weekend will see the release of Fast X, and with it comes what is expected to be the beginning of the end of the Fast & Furious franchise. While it’s now not entirely clear if we’re going to get one more after this, or if Fast X is the beginning of a Fast & Furious finale trilogy, it’s unlikely that we will get no more movies in the series that has been a massive hit for Universal. In fact, there’s been at least one spinoff rumored for years, and Jordana Brewster is certainly on board if it happens.
It’s been several years since it was first suggested that we might get a Fast & Furious spinoff focusing on the women of the franchise. While Vin Diesel has previously said that the movie is happening, we’ve seen no real movement on it. However, Fast X co-star Jordana Brewster has made it clear to the Los Angeles Times that she would love to see it, as it would be an opportunity to more closely examine characters in the franchise that don’t unusually get much focus., She explained…
[A spinoff would] give us the opportunity to flesh out all the female characters. And I think it’s something an audience would like.
And there are a lot of female characters that a spinoff film could flesh out. Such a film could include the likes of Brewster, Michelle Rodriquez, Nathalie Emmanuel, Charlize Theron, Helen Mirren, and new to the franchise with Fast X, Brie Larson. It could even include the likes of Vanessa Kirby and Eliza Gonzales who were part of the one existing Fast & Furious spinoff, Hobbes & Shaw. Since a Hobbes & Shaw sequel has apparently stalled, giving them something else to do in the franchise would be nice.
That’s certainly a solid enough cast to carry a movie, and Brewster is likely correct that fans would want to see it. Many of these characters haven’t been given the opportunity to really shine in the existing films, with an ensemble so large it’s difficult for anybody other than Vin Diesel to really pull focus. Brewster would certainly have the freedom to do more in a more focused spinoff, which she admits has been something she’s had to fight for in the main franchise. She continued…
What I’ve been fighting the most for is to not be in the babysitting seat, because that’s what’s frustrating. I want to play with more comedy. I want to play with more action. I want to play with unleashing energy. There’s so much at stake in these movies that I want to play more of a central role in it.
Getting enough to do has been an ongoing battle for at least some of the female actresses. Michelle Rodriguez initially delayed joining F9 because she was frustrated with her place in the franchise. With at least two, and possibly three more movies, hopefully, Jordana Brewster, and the other actresses, will be able to get in on the action, but if not, maybe there’s a spinoff in her future where she will be able to make that happen.