Jordan Banjo’s six-week-old son has been rushed to hospital with sepsis and suspected meningitis.
The news was announced by the dancer, DJ and I’m a Celebrity star’s wife Naomi, who said their baby, named Atreus, was rushed to A&E last week.
She called it the “most emotionally draining, frightening week” of their lives.
Naomi told her Instagram followers: “Ahh gosh, where do we start … in case you’re wondering where we’ve been, last week I took Atreus to A&E after feeling like something wasn’t right and he was immediately admitted with sepsis and suspected meningitis.
“We’ve cried a lot, we’ve barely slept, and we’ve discussed the worst .. but we’ve carried each other through possibly one of the most traumatic weeks of our lives.”
She added: “You never think it would be your baby and honestly I can’t explain how awful it is having to leave your poorly baby behind in a hospital and go home and just be ‘mummy’ to your other children when inside your heart is breaking.”
As well as Atreus, the couple have two older sons: Cassius, four, and Mayowa, three.

“It’s been tough but we’ve done our best for our babies. All we need now is our family back together where we belong.”
Naomi also shared their baby’s symptoms with her followers, stating: “I think it’s important to recognise and be aware of them as I didn’t realise some of these were even symptoms.”
She wrote: “I initially took him in because I noticed he had started to refuse to feed in the night and I was worried about dehydration. He was very lethargic and glossy eyed and just not his self. His temp was high too. He was grunting with every breath. Rapid breathing.
“His skin was mottled. He had a rash which spread the longer we were in hospital. He was very sleepy. High pitch cries even when sleeping. Cried in pain when I picked him up or touched him. Cold hands and feet.”

Find five typical symptoms of sepsis here.