Kelly Rebecca Nichols, the ex-wife of disgraced conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, revealed to The Young Turks on Sunday that Jones is a far worse character in person than he is on television.
The couple divorced in 2015, and Nichols has become a vocal critic of Jones as he faces trials for defamation filed by the families of the victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Newtown, Connecticut.
"As a human being, he is more unhinged and weirder and terrifying and threatening and looming and raging than on screen," Nichols said.
Jones is "modified on screen," Nichols continued. "You can see this when he says, 'oh I have to go off the air right now,' cause he's going back into like the real person, right? The real rage is coming out and it's so extreme that his staff, you can tell, is like, 'you need to go off.'"
Nichols said that "it's hard to talk about" Jones because they have a "brave and courageous" daughter who has "stood up to Jones as nobody does or has," adding that Jones is "still harassing" her.
Jones, Nichols said, "is the kind of crazy like Charles Manson, or like somebody that really needs to be institutionalized cause he does. And he is a mentally ill – a dangerous kind of mentally ill – person and his behaviors are abhorrent."
Nichols also blasted "officers of the Texas court who are profiting off of him in the Sandy Hook/Connecticut case who have a duty to protect Alex Jones from himself and specifically us from him."