My psychotherapy colleagues and I are fed up with the grim Jonah Hill situation being put down to the inadequacies of therapy, so it was nice to see Daisy Jones speaking to qualified therapists and putting some distance between unqualified opinions being shared via TikTok and the profoundly delicate and valuable work of long-term psychotherapy (Are Jonah Hill’s texts really ‘therapy speak’? I asked a therapist, 13 July). However, it’s still grating that the unpleasant actions of a famous actor are being conflated with therapy at all. Hill plays a fair amount of golf, too – perhaps it’s golf culture that’s really to blame?
Jane Nash
• According to George Orwell in The Road to Wigan Pier, cheap and nutritious fish and chips was one of the things that kept Britain from revolution during the economic crisis of the 1930s. They remain nutritious, but no longer cheap or even always easy to obtain (The long read, 20 July). Surely sorting this out is worthy of a pledge from Keir Starmer?
Keith Flett
Tottenham, London
• Derek Malcolm (Obituary, 17 July) was a living legend for Guardian readers. Who could forget his satirical 1974 review of the fictional “Magnum Fart”, playing on the title of Magnum Force, the 1973 Dirty Harry film starring Clint Eastwood.
David Simpson
Datchet, Berkshire
• Does Prince Andrew still bank with Coutts (Sunak, Braverman and City regulator wade into Farage banking row, 19 July)?
Dora Henry
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.