Actor Jonah Hill dated surfer Sarah Brady for about a year, before they broke up in 2022.
Now, over the past few days, Brady has been sharing screenshots of text conversations that allegedly took place between her and Hill both while they were together and after they broke up.
Taking to Instagram Stories with the screenshots, Brady has been alleging that Hill "emotionally abused" her throughout their relationship, including attempting to control what she could post on social media and whom she could spend time with when not with him.
Brady shared a text exchange that showed she had deleted Instagram photos of herself in a swimsuit, to which Hill allegedly responded, "Good start. You don't seem to get it. But it's not my place to teach you. I've made my boundaries clear. You refuse to let go of some of them and you've made that clear. And I hope it makes you happy."
She captioned this exchange, "This is a warning to all girls. If you partner is talking to you like this make an exit plan. Love y'all! Call me if u need an ear."

In another widely shared screenshot, Brady shared a list of Hill's alleged "boundaries," which many people have pointed out are not actually boundaries but attempts at controlling her.
The text read, "Plain and simple:
"If you need:
"-Surfing with men
-Boundaryless inappropriate frienships with men
-to model
-to post pictures of yourself in a bathing suit
-to post sexual pictures
-friendships with women who are in unstable places and from your wild recent past beyond getting a lunch or coffee or something respectful
"I am not the right partner for you. If these things bring you to a place of happiness I support it and there will be no hard feelings. These are my boundaries for romantic partnership.
"My boundaries with you based on the ways these actions have hurt our trust."
Brady captioned this screenshot, "See the misuse of the term 'boundaries'?"

Since releasing these screenshots, Brady has continued to post screenshots from after hers and Hill's breakup, alleging that he continued to lean on her for "partner-level emotional support" while they were no longer together.
Many people have commented on the inappropriateness of these alleged texts.
"This is not 'boundaries' she’s a surfer and can’t post pics in a swimsuit?? He’s controlling her and trying to change a huge part of her," tweeted one person.
"Forcing your partner to completely change themselves, their relationships and their lives in order to receive your love is toxic, manipulative, and yes, abusive. This is unhealthy behavior," commented another.
Brady has also reposted a photo that she alleges Hill asked her to delete, captioning it, "reviving a pic I took down by request of a narcissistic misogynist."
Hill has not publicly commented on the situation at time of writing.
If you or someone you know is struggling with intimate partner abuse, you can reach out to the Crisis Text Line by texting HOME to 741471.