The trial of Johnny Depp’s defamation lawsuit against Amber Heard has entered its fourth week in Fairfax, Virginia.
Heard is being sued by Depp for $50m (£38.2m) for implying he abused her in a 2018 Washington Post op-ed. Although she did not name him, he claims her allegations made it difficult for him to land movie roles.
In testimony on Monday, the jury heard from Depp’s security guard Travis McGivern who was present for two fights between the couple at their Los Angeles penthouse, including one in which he claims Heard punched Depp.
The actor’s agent, Jack Whigham, told the court about Depp’s career leading up to and following the publication of the op-ed, describing it as “catastrophic”. He said Depp had lost his role in the sixth Pirates of the Caribbean movie, and he was unable to sign any studio productions in the years that followed.
Further testimony was given by a nurse employed by Heard who said she was prone to outbursts of rage and described apparent injuries after the couple had allegedly fought.
Heard is yet to testify and provide her own account of the relationship, but is expected to take the stand on either Tuesday or Wednesday.