Giving rebuttal testimony in the defamation case he brought against his ex-wife Amber Heard, Johnny Depp told the court listening to her testimony regarding alleged abuse was “unimaginably brutal” and what she said in the witness box was “all false”.
In direct examination by his own legal team, Mr Depp was asked what it has been like to hear Ms Heard’s testimony during the trial.
After a long pause, he responded: “Insane. It’s insane to hear heinous accusations of violence, sexual violence that she has attributed to me, that she’s accused me of. I don’t think anyone enjoys having to split themselves open and tell the truth, but there are times when one simply has to because it’s just got out of control.”
He adds: “It’s horrible, ridiculous, ludicrous, painful, savage. Unimaginably brutal, cruel, and all false. All false.”
As the court proceedings, now in their sixth week, move closer to Friday’s closing arguments, Mr Depp was in the witness box giving testimony for the second time in his defamation case against his ex-wife, his marriage to whom ended six years ago.
Expanding on how it felt to hear Ms Heard’s graphic testimony against him, including descriptions of extensive drug and alcohol use, and allegations of sexual, physical, and mental abuse, Mr Depp said: “No human being is perfect, certainly not. But I have never in my life committed sexual battery, physical abuse, all these outlandish, outrageous stories of me committing these things... and living with it for six years, and waiting to bring the truth out.”
Mr Depp concluded: “This is not easy for any of us, I know that. But no matter what happens, I did get here, I did tell the truth and I have spoken up for what I have been carrying on my back, reluctantly for six years.”
The actor’s legal team had no further questions for him and the court broke for lunch. Cross-examination by Ms Heard’s lawyers and redirect of Mr Depp will then continue.