Pretty disappointed in John Mulaney, saw him tonight and yeah, he was funny, but he gave Dave Chapelle the platform to make some transphobic jokes. Also very disheartening to hear a crowd of 12,000 around you (a trans person) laughing at transphobic jokes. Thanks Columbus.
— Libby (@libbeefy) May 21, 2022
and then was salty when some ppl booed him……..
— maddie (@boobeoisie) May 21, 2022
John Mulaney deadass built his career thanks to queer teens/young adults turning his comedy into common quotes and memes, and he turns around and shits in their faces by bringing Dave Chappelle to one of his shows, tacitly endorsing his comedy and jokes
— k a t h e r i n e ? (@sapphoswamp) May 22, 2022
The main takeaway from the Mulaney thing is that you should take all the hope you had in him and put it onto a totally different stranger you don’t know
— Mr. Chau (@Srirachachau) May 23, 2022
Very brave of John Mulaney to make sure no one in the audience could record the show knowing that he was gonna bring out Dave Chapped Lips as an anti-trans treat. https://t.co/0s5Hj6wYSe
— Saeed Jones (@theferocity) May 21, 2022
No, it just means he doesn't care. Other comedians exists, ones that could have used the opportunity to open for John Mulaney. It may have helped make their career. He didn't care. He didn't care that Chapelles is a bigot. He may not agree, but He DOESN'T CARE. https://t.co/hPAJ20x5uM
— Nick Noel (@nicknoel721) May 21, 2022
fear through idiocy#DaveChappelle is a vile human actively attacking minorities who are already a target of constant harassment.
— Ray-ney Day (@SarcasticCatBoy) May 22, 2022
And #JohnMulaney is as disgusting for actively supporting, platforming & exposing his audience to this type of derogatory ambush and verbal abuse. pic.twitter.com/k46Vn50Npj
the john mulaney shit is why y'all HAVE to stop dubbing cishet men "queer icons" just because they don't know what to do with their arms
— Nightling Bug (@NightlingBug) May 21, 2022
The post John Mulaney Surprised His Audience With Transphobe Dave Chappelle & They’re Rightfully Pissed appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .