Joe Buck, as most of us are well aware of by now, no longer works for Fox Sports and is not calling any more NFL playoff games this year after working last week’s Cowboys-Bucs game for ESPN, .
I say most of us because one fan in St. Louis was apparently not aware that Buck just wrapped up his first year calling Monday Night Football games for ESPN. This fella ran into Buck at a Starbucks in St. Louis on Sunday morning and asked Buck if he would be calling the Cowboys-49ers game tonight in San Francisco.
Buck shared the great story on Twitter, saying he had some fun with the fan:
A guy in line at Starbucks this am (in Stl) asked me if I was doing the Cowboys game today in SF. Obviously I said “yes, oh sh!!!”, and ran to my car. Won’t he be surprised?!!
— Joe Buck (@Buck) January 22, 2023
Buck added that he did end up getting his coffee:
Had to do drive-thru https://t.co/tOYNkHmeSM
— Joe Buck (@Buck) January 22, 2023
It does stink that Buck isn’t calling these games because he’s the GOAT and is missed during these huge NFL weekends.
He will thankfully be calling some big NFL games in the future:
We miss this weekend for sure. Next year we will have a divisional playoff game going forward and a Super Bowl in four years. So we got that going for us. Which is nice. Can’t wait!! https://t.co/ovOYSxOF2j
— Joe Buck (@Buck) January 22, 2023
And he had a nice message for one fan who used to say mean things about him:
Hahahahaha. This is awesome. Ok. Back to the game. I’m not a “two screen guy”. I’m a normal 53 year old with four year old twins. https://t.co/EEe1eUOCM1
— Joe Buck (@Buck) January 22, 2023
But yeah… we miss you, Joe Buck!