It's a new era of Doctor Who, and while there are a lot of changes in play now that Russell T. Davies is back in control, the past has not been forgotten. With his first eps, Davies has keep alive some of the most important elements of Chris Chibnall's run, including some of Jodie Whittaker's biggest moments, despite fan complaints through her years in the role. The actress was recently asked for her thoughts on those callbacks, and her response makes me desperate for her to return to the franchise.
Doctor Who's 60th anniversary and Christmas specials, currently available to stream with a Disney+ subscription, made many nods to Doctor Who's polarizing "Timeless Child" arc, the Flux season, and other moments from Jodie Whittaker's time portraying The Doctor. Speaking with Radio Times, the actress gave her positive reaction to seeing the series reference her era of the show, saying:
It's amazing. It's so emotional as well because, for us, it was such a present thing. We were in it and we were living it in real time, and now to be part of the canon and reference points, it's really magical.
Doctor Who has brought the "Timeless Child" storyline front and center, as The Doctor and new companion, Ruby Sunday, bonded over both being adoptees who didn't know their birth family. Ruby actress Millie Gibson reportedly won't be back for a second season, but the episodes she stars in will open the door for The Doctor to explore his own beginnings and whatever life he had before being found and taken to Gallifrey.

Multiple references to Seasons 11, 12, and Flux shouldn't have been a huge surprise for Doctor Who fans keping up on behind-the-scenes news, as Russell T. Davies repeatedly made it clear he won't erase Jodie Whittaker's Doctor from the canon. It appears fans who don't like the Doctor potentially having an unlimited number of regenerations will just have to deal with it, or at least wait for some future storyline to futz with The Doctor's history once again. Let's be real: one of the franchise's biggest consistencies is how inconsistent it can be with its own history.
Even so, it's great to see Jodie Whittaker sharing such happy thoughts about the references. It's a shame her run fell under so much scrutiny, as the story decisions and other bits that drew ire didn't really have anything to do with her enjoyable performances. She delivered great work as The Doctor, and it would be awesome to see her return for at least a one-off episode, even if only for praise to be showered on her portrayal without some of the drama that Seasons 11 and 12 stirred up.
Jodie Whittaker didn't originally want to be in Doctor Who, mainly because of the immense fame tied to the role that vaulted other former stars to mainstream fame after leaving Doctor Who. She ended up landing the gig anyway and really embraced the role despite not being heavily familiar with the franchise beforehand Clearly, she's invested in the story now, so it would be great to welcome her back in the future.
Jodie Whittaker's run of Doctor Who is available to watch on streaming, and those unfamiliar with the run should absolutely give it a chance. This is especially true considering how heavily the run is being referenced in the latest episodes, as fans might need to be well-versed on everything the Thirteenth Doctor got up to before Fourteen's rise.