Former President Jimmy Carter's domestic record often receives attention for the economic challenges faced during his term, such as high inflation. However, his administration played a significant role in reshaping the US economy, leading to long-lasting changes that enhanced competitiveness.
One of Carter's notable actions was pursuing an antitrust case against AT&T, which ultimately resulted in the company's breakup early in the Reagan administration. This move, coupled with the subsequent deregulation of the telecommunications industry in the 1990s, paved the way for technological advancements like personal computers and the Internet, bolstering the US economy.

In addition to the telecommunications sector, Carter also signed bills to deregulate the US airline and trucking industries. These measures had a profound impact on reducing the cost of transportation for both passengers and goods, ultimately boosting the overall competitiveness of the US economy.
Despite the significance of these policies, their full effects were not immediately evident during Carter's presidency, leading to a lack of association between him and these transformative changes in the economy.