Miami Heat star Jimmy Butler is a man of many talents and we may soon find out if music is one of his skills.
Butler, who has previously told us that he averages a perfect score whenever he goes bowling, revealed that he is recording a country music album. It is no secret Butler loves country music (and blasting whatever it is that he is in the mood to listen to in the locker rooms) but this is a surprising revelation.
During a recent feature published by Claire de Lune, however, we learned Butler is already fairly far along in this process. Although he already has more than enough songs for an album, Butler aims to have “around 200” songs to choose from before he releases the project.
Here is more from the insightful story (via The Guardian):
“He’s been quietly working on his own country album for over a year, he says, and while he’s already amassed about 60 (!) songs for the project, he aims to have recorded around 200 to choose from when all is said and done.”
That is a staggering amount of music to record while also playing basketball at the most competitive level, but it will give him a lot of options whenever he is ready to make these recordings public.
If you were hoping to hear Butler’s singing voice on this, unfortunately, you are probably out of luck.
While his fingerprints will be all over the record, Butler sees himself more as a songwriter and as a producer:
He’s unlikely to sing on the album though, as he sees himself in more of a songwriter/producer role (“I’m like the DJ Khaled of this thing,” he deadpans). Butler genuinely admires Khaled’s skill as a curator, telling me, “He’s a crazy talented individual. To bring all these artists together and to have them be able to maintain the egos and be like, ‘Yo, look, this is what we’re trying to get done here,’ he’s mastered it. I freaking love DJ Khaled. ‘We are the best,’ as he would say.”
It is a bummer we won’t hear him singing but this should be a lot of fun.