The Airports Authority of India on Thursday said, "the construction of Deoghar Airport has been completed. It would be the second airport in the state after Ranchi. Today, a team led by AAI Chairman Sanjeev Kumar inspected the airport terminal building, air site and other facilities."
Sandeep Kumar Dhingra, Airport Director of Deoghar Airport earlier said, "Deoghar Airport is a domestic airport where Airbus A-320 & A-321 can land on a runway, which is 2,500 meters. Its width is 45 meters. It has four parking bases for A-320 & A-321. We have six check-in counters, a departure conveyor, and two arrival conveyor belts. X-rays, security equipment, and CCTVs have also been installed inside the terminal."
Deoghar, a holy city famous for Baba Baidyanath Dham, one of the twelve jyotirlingas, is ready to be connected with air transport with the newly built Deoghar domestic airport.
Spread in a vast area of 650 acres, the design of the terminal building is inspired by the structure of Baba Baidyanath Temple. Paintings of tribal art, handicrafts, and local tourist sites are showcased on the terminal building.
The terminal with beautiful architecture is equipped with modern facilities including 24-hour medical assistance for passengers. With six check-in counters, the airport has a peak hour handling capacity of 200 passengers.
To protect the environment, the airport has installed solar energy and water harvesting system. With its strategic location, the airport will provide air connectivity to people from Dumka, Gonda, Banka, and the neighbouring state of Bihar.
(With inputs from agencies)