Singer-actor Jessica Simpson and her husband, former NFL player Eric Johnson, have announced their separation after a decade of marriage. Simpson, 44, shared in a statement to People on Monday that she and Johnson have been living separately as they navigate a challenging period in their relationship.
Emphasizing their commitment to prioritizing their children's well-being, Simpson stated, 'Our children come first, and we are focusing on what is best for them.' She expressed gratitude for the outpouring of love and support they have received and requested privacy as they work through this as a family.
The couple, who exchanged vows in 2014 following a four-year courtship, are parents to three children: Maxwell “Maxi” Drew, 12, Ace Knute, 11, and Birdie Mae, 5.
Before her marriage to Johnson, Simpson was previously married to Nick Lachey from 2002 to 2006. Meanwhile, Johnson, known for his time with the San Francisco 49ers and New Orleans Saints, has been a prominent figure in the sports world.