Legal submissions to the ongoing Infected Blood Inquiry have highlighted the "astonishing" work of longstanding campaigners like Jesmond's Carol Grayson.
The submission from law firm Milners, which represents Carol and a number of other victims of the scandal, feature the legal team's formal final position on the inquiry and what it believes chair Sir Brian Langstaff should take into account. Others to submit lengthy legal documents include the Department of Health and Social Care.
The inquiry - set to conclude later in 2023 - has been investigating the circumstances which led to thousands of haemophiliacs being infected with lethal viruses like hepatitis C and HIV due to NHS treatment. Many others were infected by contaminated blood transfusions in what's often called the NHS's biggest ever treatment disaster.
Read more: 'No more delays' - Contaminated blood scandal victim urges Government to publish its report
Carol Grayson's husband Peter Longstaff and brother-in-law Stephen - were both haemophiliacs infected with HIV. Both died, Stephen when barely an adult.
Along with Peter, Carol became an active campaigning presence seeking justice for those let down by the medical professionals they had trusted - and in these latest submissions her role in ensuring key documents are preserved, questioning "official lines to take" and holding politicians accountable has been praised.

In particular, her work alongside friend Colette Wintle, an infected haemophiliac herself, has been recognised. Carol, who authored an award-winning dissertation on the subject of the contaminated blood scandal and drove a number of media campaigns, including the Journal's Bad Blood series, has been vocally fighting for justice for decades. She even, along with Lord Jenkin of Roding, is responsible for providing hundreds of key documents to the National Archives.
Closing submissions from legal representatives of the inquiry's core participants were due on December 16 and have now been published online. Closing statements will begin to be heard later in January.
Carol's research and activism has been cited frequently during the inquiry - including when former Health Secretary and current mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham gave evidence. The lawyers write that Carol's letters and information showed how "the 'Government line' was wrong", but were "treated with a lower level of attention than they eminently deserved".
Also in the submission, Milners Solicitors write: "Ms Grayson played a pivotal role in ensuring that documents were preserved and that justice was done: despite the DoH's failings in destroying documentation, Ms Grayson and her solicitors had held on to copies of the missing documentation, and Ms Grayson notified the DoH and facilitated their return to the Department."
The document suggests that Sir Brian's final report formally recommends the establishment of systems to exempt those infected and affected by the scandal from benefits assessments and to ensure "fast-track" access to healthcare for a group of people often facing numerous long-term medical conditions.
The law firm also highlight the work done by Carol, Colette and others to spotlight issues such as specifically how women have been impacted by the scandal. Other campaigners praised included Clair Walton and another who set up the Positive Women campaign group, and campaigner Mark Ward who set up the Haemosexual organisation which supports LGTBQI individuals affected by bleeding disorders.
The document continues: "It has been a remarkable achievement by Colette, Clair, [redacted], Carol, and other campaigners like them that they have highlighted these issues and brought about change, against a backdrop of protracted hostility to their cause. All of them did so through failing health, and notwithstanding the impact and further consequences that their efforts would have upon their health.
"They were selfless in their quest for justice for all, and must be recognised as such."
The Department of Health and Social Care's closing submission to the inquiry - which runs to more than 600 pages, begins stating: "The Department of Health and Social Care does wish to begin its written closing submissions by acknowledging that evidence, and by stating clearly to those who gave it that they have been listened to and heard.
The Government commissioned Sir Robert Francis to examine a possible compensation framework, and the chair's interim recommendation that interim payments of £100,000 should be made to those registered with the existing financial support schemes, was promptly accepted.
A spokesman said: "The Department of Health and Social Care will continue to listen, both to the submissions of other Core Participants and to the Inquiry itself, when it reports."
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