Netflix has sparked major interest in The Jeffrey Dahmer case after releasing a true crime series starring Evan Peters.
People have been searching the internet for previous interviews with the serial killer to learn more about his case, and are posting clips on social media for thousands to see.
In recent days, one unearthed interview carried out with Jeffrey Dahmer in prison is sending chills down people’s spines, as he spoke in depth about what he had done - revealing chilling details of his mindset at the time.
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Dahmer is known to have killed 17 young men and boys between 1978 and 1991, luring his victims back to his apartment to drug and murder them.
It was later discovered that he was also eating his victims and even brought a severed head to work one day.
In the now-viral interview, he explained his 'reasoning' behind his crimes as well as the ritual of murder after granting Inside Edition an exclusive prison interview.
The YouTube video has garnered 20 million views while shorter clips have also gone viral on TikTok.
When first asked about what he gained from murdering his victims, Dahmer said he wanted to “control them” and “possess them permanently”.

He denied killing people because he was “angry” or “hated them”, but instead said it was because he wanted to “keep them with me.
“As my obsession grew, I was saving body parts,” he explained. “It’s a process, it doesn’t happen overnight. When you depersonalise another person and just view them as an object, it seems to make it easier to do things you shouldn’t do.”
He said: “I always knew that it was wrong, but, the first killing was not planned. I had fantasies about picking up a hitchhiker and having complete control and dominance.”
He went on to describe how “nobody had a clue what was going on for over a decade” and said there was a huge gap between his first murder, and the rest becuase “there just wasn’t an opportunity to fully express what I wanted to do.
“When I moved to Milwaukee in ’81, I started reading pornography. Eventually, that lead to frequenting the gay bars.”

He continued: “One time I brought this one guy back to a hotel, I was just planning on drugging him and spending the night with him, I had no intention of hurting him. When I woke up in the morning, apparently I had beaten him to death with my fists. I have no memory of it, but that’s what started the whole spree.”
Later in the interview, Jeffrey Dahmer told Nancy Glass he was not disgusted or saddened by his crimes, and that instead, it was “almost addictive” and gave him “a surge of energy”.
He went on to admit that there were times he would look and think ‘what have I done’ and think his crimes were horrendous, but that it was an “obsession”.
He then described his ritual during each murder, including how he prepared his sleeping pill mixture beforehand and that he would watch The Exorcist 3 with every victims to “put him in the mood for murder”.
He described his cannibalism - specifically how he would eat the hearts of his victims as “a way of making me feel they were part of me,” and that he once took the head of one of his victims to work with him.
When asked if he still wanted to kill people, Dahmer replied saying he wished he “could say that it just left completely but no, there are times when I still do have the old compulsions.”
He said that if he hadn’t been caught and had still been a free man, he would still be committing further murders because “I can’t think of anything that would have stopped me.”
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