Shah Rukh Khan is coming back to the big screen this September with another "high-octane action thriller" titled Jawan. The actor kicked off the week by dropping a 'prevue' of the film on social media that gave us a peek at all the action set to unfold with the many death-defying stunts, epic fight scenes and some catchy songs.
Besides the many special appearances by superstars like Vijay Sethupathi, Nayanthara and Deepika Padukone, fans were treated to glimpses of Khan's many looks in the upcoming film. One look that stood out the most was his bandaged look that didn't just have his face under wraps, but also his whole body.
"Only MCU Fans can say where we've seen this before?!" commented a fan on a post that highlighted the similarity between SRK's character and the Marvel Superhero Moon Knight.
Another went ahead and called Shah Rukh the "Indian Moon Knight"
"Srk is Moon Knight," another declared.
"Marvel who? Our own Indian MoonKnight is here!" said another.
"Ngl, the new #MoonKnight trailer looks LIT," another teased.
Others went ahead and guessed that the plot of the SRK starrer may have some similarities with the Oscar Issac starrer. "#Jawan has something similar to Moonknight," said a fan.
Another guessed, "It's two different identities moonknight/khonsu #JawanPrevue."
Another predicted that the film may tip-toe around the idea of the lead character dealing with split personality. "I'm seems as thou SRK has either a double role of has a dual personality. It is giving me MCU #MoonKnight vibes," read the post.
Directed by Atlee of "Theri" and "Mersal" fame, the upcoming pan-India movie also features Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi.
The film is billed as a high-octane action thriller that outlines the emotional journey of a man who is set to rectify the wrongs in society.
The film is all set to hit the theatres on September 7, 2023.