Jane Park appeared on American TV with Dr Phil to discuss 'the curse of the lottery' and revealed her only regret about scooping the one million pound jackpot back in 2013.
The 27-year-old was living in an Edinburgh council estate, working as an admin temp for £8 an hour when she played her first ever lottery ticket at the age of 17 - which just happened to be a winner.
And speaking to Dr Phil on CBS this week, Jane, the UK's youngest EuroMillions winner, said that the overnight fame that came with the life-changing amount of cash was horrible and she 'wouldn't wish it on anyone'.
Dr Phil then asked Jane if she regrets any of her purchases. She replied: "I don't regret any of the money I spent, my only regret would be going so public with the win."
She said: "When I won it was a very quick turnover, it was massive. At the time it was kind of crazy, and it's even crazier looking back.
"I splashed out a bit because I never knew the value of a million pounds, I never seen that kind of money, I never knew anyone with that kind of money so I kind of splashed a bit on stuff that I've always wanted.

"Then one of my aunts stepped in like "you should invest some now" buy some property and stop going on holiday."
Dr Phil then asked her about receiving death threats after winning the money.
She said: "It's horrible, I wouldn't wish it on anyone, at 17 you're not even a proper adult, I was such a young naive 17-year-old as well."
Jane then went on to speak about the surgery she had after her win and said she wouldn't have done it had she not won the money.

She added: "Having the money made it easier for me to decide, well I hate this about my body so I'm going to change it and I had the procedure done in a different country and when I flew back I got sepsis which is blood poisoning and I nearly died - I was in hospital for a month."
The OnlyFans star opened up about a time she wanted to sue the Lotto for "ruining her life", because she felt she was too young to play as she couldn't even buy alcohol.
She said: "In the UK, it was 18 to gamble and 16 to play the lottery. You couldn't put a pound in a machine or couldn't go in the shop and buy cigarettes or alcohol, and you couldn't go into a casino, but you could play the lottery.
"I was basically wanting them to listen, like me calling The Lottery up and saying 'listen, I think you should raise the age' they were never going to listen and that is why I went massive with it.
"Since then, that story went very big and they have raised the age to 18 and I feel like I've made a massive impact on that."
Dr Phil then asked Jane if she believed in the 'curse of the lottery'. She replied: "I think there is, like it's a very dark, twisted fairy tale and I think no one actually warns you of it, especially younger people. I was 17. I have not even spent all of the money and they seem to think they know more about my life.
"It's hard because when I was younger I read the comments and it affected me and these people have never met me and they've probably never even seen me."
Jane has been living it up in America for the past month, and recently she said she was originally in the US to take part in a dating TV show, however it fell through. Jane later expressed her anger that the show supposedly wanted to give camera crews access to film her having sex while being recorded. A source said that Jane was furious about the contract clause.
A source of Jane told The Scottish Sun: "Jane's not ultimately against the idea of having sex on TV, however she doesn’t think any contract should specify that a camera crew has access legally."
She branded the showrunners "perverted" for the contract clause but she still hoped to break through in Los Angeles.
The source added: "The scenes the show wanted to film wouldn’t have been graphic, it would have been similar to Big Brother’s night footage."
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